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Hip dysplasia?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by JCthart, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. JCthart

    JCthart New Member

    Quick question: is hip dysplasia TMS? Or rather: does it necessarily cause pain? Would love to hear your experiences/thoughts!
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi! You can do a search on hip pain. Just use the magnifying glass on the front page. A ton of stuff comes up. But yes, TMS can cause anything and everything. Believe it!
  3. caleb888

    caleb888 Newcomer

    Not all hip dysplasia is painful but it can certainly be a factor for some. It’s not just a physical thing, TMS can be played for any physical issues so it’s something worth considering in the mix as well now.
  4. JCthart

    JCthart New Member

    Thanks, yes I did that and have read many of the posts. I was just wondering about hip dysplasia specifically, and people having worked through that. I couldn’t find that in a jiffy.

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