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Alex B. Getting rid of the rest of the pain

Discussion in 'Ask a TMS Therapist' started by Guest, May 19, 2016.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    This question was submitted via our Ask a TMS Therapist program. To submit your question, click here.

    It has been more than 4 months since i have started TMS approach. I am feeling much better and resumed almost all my physical activities and doing 90% of activities without fear ( 10% am still a bit fearful as am doing it really with the same pace as previous). But my pain is still not completely gone. And i admit i become a bit concerned when i feel pain is more. I am reading Dr Sarno's books on daily basis. Now i doubt if reading these books might be reinforcing my symptoms. I mean reading these books remind me that i still have symptoms and could be the case that they are reinforcing the symptoms. Will it be a good idea to stop reading books? Also shall start meditation be helpful? I have very less symptoms remaining and i feel even a bit of reduction in pain level will lead to get me closer to my success
  2. Alex Bloom LCSW

    Alex Bloom LCSW TMS Therapist

    Hi, thanks for the question.

    Overall it sounds like you are having a lot of success, which is really great. You have arrived at a spot that can be frustrating for many people who deal with TMS. You feel like you are doing everything you are supposed to be doing, reading, exercises, etc. And yet, symptoms still keep coming up from time to time. To deal with this "plateau" it is important to remember that what we are trying to focus on is the fear, the response that the symptoms generate, not the symptoms themselves. Just as when one begins the process, by measuring your success against your symptoms you will continue to give them the power to dictate how you are feeling overall about yourself and your progress. So, we want to focus on the purpose of the pain and how you can begin to address that. Continue to remind yourself that the symptoms are not about structural problems. If you find that reading and focusing on TMS simply reminds you of the frustrations and you find yourself preoccupied with your physical progress, there is nothing wrong with stepping back from the material for a bit.

    Any advice or information provided here does not and is not intended to be and should not be taken to constitute specific professional or psychological advice given to any group or individual. This general advice is provided with the guidance that any person who believes that they may be suffering from any medical, psychological, or mindbody condition should seek professional advice from a qualified, registered/licensed physician and/or psychotherapist who has the opportunity to meet with the patient, take a history, possibly examine the patient, review medical and/or mental health records, and provide specific advice and/or treatment based on their experience diagnosing and treating that condition or range of conditions. No general advice provided here should be taken to replace or in any way contradict advice provided by a qualified, registered/licensed physician and/or psychotherapist who has the opportunity to meet with the patient, take a history, possibly examine the patient, review medical and/or mental health records, and provide specific advice and/or treatment based on their experience diagnosing and treating that condition or range of conditions.

    The general advice and information provided in this format is for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a way to screen for, identify, or diagnose depression, anxiety, or other psychological conditions. If you feel you may be suffering from any of these conditions please contact a licensed mental health practitioner for an in-person consultation.

    Questions may be edited for brevity and/or readability.


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