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Full Lecture on YouTube

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by scottyboy8, Dec 16, 2015.

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  1. scottyboy8

    scottyboy8 Peer Supporter

    Hey everyone,

    I have uploaded the full lecture on YouTube.

    It can be found here -

    I hope I am not breaking any copyright laws or taking any potential money away from Sarno - but here it is anyway.

  2. natcat

    natcat Newcomer

    Hi Scott

    I read on this form that you have a copy of dr sarnos lecture on mp3. Just wondering if you still have it and is there anyway you could send it to me?

    My email is nataliedale@gmail.com
  3. ChronicVince

    ChronicVince Peer Supporter

    Hi natcat,
    If you get the 2-part lectures of Dr Sarno, that will be great for me to see these also !
    Hope you'll read my message.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm going to lock this thread and refer old video seekers to this post on a very similar thread here: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/watch-these-two-tms-videos-and-all-your-questions-will-be-answered.17360/#post-138752 (Watch These Two TMS Videos and ALL Your Questions Will Be Answered) (Watch These Two TMS Videos and ALL Your Questions Will Be Answered)

    PS, posting personal email addresses on public forums is generally not a great idea - we have a DM feature called Private Conversation which can be accessed from any profile.
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