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Day 15 From Fibromyalgia to IBS

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by MJW, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. MJW

    MJW New Member

    Since I quit my medication & began working the program, my pain has shifted to my IBS & I am having lots of painful spasms in my colon. I know this is do to the repressed anger from my childhood and the negative thought patterns I am trapped in. I really struggle with the journaling. All these emotion are exhausting me & I am losing a lot of sleep. I am going to the gym and using affrimations & meditation, but Iworry that I might not be able to get better.
  2. JBG1963

    JBG1963 Peer Supporter

    Hi MJW,

    I have fibro as well. I read the TMS books about a year ago. My pain shifts frequently. Recently I developed excruciating sciatica and the fibro pain is calmed down a bit. I know the journey is tough. For days in a row I don't do any of the work because it's just too exhausting. I think it's baby steps-at least for me. I have had days or even weeks when I felt like I was making progress-so fear not-you'll get there. I would say I'm better than I started but have a long way to go. This is my first day on this forum. I"m hoping the daily program will help and the support of others traveling the same path. Good luck to you.
  3. MJW

    MJW New Member

    Thank you for your input and encouragement. I was getting pretty discouraged, but hearing you have similar struggles helps me to stay resolute.
  4. TheWayBackUp

    TheWayBackUp Peer Supporter

    It's normal for the pain to move and change. That is a sign you are stirring things up. Unfortunately the challenge of dealing with the emotions is essential to healing. Best wishes.
  5. MJW

    MJW New Member

    Thanks, things are definitely stirred‼️
  6. Mountain Girl

    Mountain Girl Peer Supporter

    I can relate. I stopped the program for ten days because it's so exhausting and discouraging sometimes, what with all the emotional upheaval. I am starting to see why the brain prefers the physical pain sometimes...
  7. MJW

    MJW New Member

  8. MJW

    MJW New Member

    I agree. I really believe in the work, but have had to do the same. However, I have continued to meditate, during my break and find it extremely beneficial. Starting back today. So, we journey onward!
  9. JBG1963

    JBG1963 Peer Supporter

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