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finished the sep

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by JoeB1, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. JoeB1

    JoeB1 Peer Supporter

    I finished the sep sometime last week. I fully overcame my last pain relapse and have randomly stumbled upon another one. This one's not as bad. I have to admit I'm a little disappointed that I've only somewhat improved but I'm still hopeful and moving forward and pushing my physical activity. Since my pain moved from my back to my hip, I figured I'd see my Dr just to convince myself there was no other issues and of course the x-ray showed it was totally normal. I'm gonna try some more hypnosis and eft tapping and see how that goes.
  2. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sorry to hear that Joe, keep at it. We've all had relapses, it's part of the learning process. What I would recommend is that you build up an evidence sheet, if you haven't already done so. The pain is likely to shift around alot, before it finally disappears. The sub conscious is a tricky little monster.

    You may also want to join The Free mindfulness summit in October , I think clear thinking is key in healing.

    Good luck my friend
    Forest, SunnyinFL and JanAtheCPA like this.
  3. JoeB1

    JoeB1 Peer Supporter

    Thanks Mike! I have one started but i do have a few new things to add. Is the summit an online thing? How do I join?
  4. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

  5. JoeB1

    JoeB1 Peer Supporter

    Awesome thanks for the link!
  6. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Joe. Yes, TMS pain does tend to move around, even if you have healed in one place. Just keep working and believing in TMS and the new pain will go away.

    I too am looking forward to the mindfulness summit.
    JoeB1 likes this.
  7. readyforjoy

    readyforjoy Newcomer

    I've been practicing mindfulness meditation since last December and it is useful. I am in a Facebook group. I recently started free Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction at this link, so if you want a "taste" of mindfulness before the summit starts, here is the link:http://palousemindfulness.com/selfguidedMBSR.html
    JoeB1 likes this.
  8. readyforjoy

    readyforjoy Newcomer

    I like the idea of a written evidence sheet. I have just been storing those in my brain.
  9. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for the link to mindfulness. I've been watching some other good ones on Youtube. The combination of mindfulness and deep breathing are great.
  10. Colly

    Colly Beloved Grand Eagle

    Joe congrats on your perseverance with the SEP! Remember the pain moving is a good sign! Just remember to stay on course with your TMS belief and be indifferent to this shifting of pain. The indifference will calm your nervous system down and settle the pain. Being indifferent also sends the strong signal that you are not fearful of the pain, which is so important for recovery.

    EFT is great and has helped me through a couple of relapses. I recommend Jenny Johnston in Australia who does Skype sessions, though my best responses are with her face to face.
    JoeB1 likes this.
  11. JoeB1

    JoeB1 Peer Supporter

    Thanks colly! Yes, indifference has been helping. I've had a few ups and downs since finishing the sep but I've been having more and better "up" days overall and consider all my successes and milestones throughout as great progress! I've also realized that I've been trying to push my body harder lately and that's usually when I have the downs. I've promised my body to only push a little bit at a time. And yes eft has been very helpful! Also noticed that interacting in this forum always makes me feel better the next day!
    Grateful17 likes this.
  12. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Joe, that's good progress at least you are focusing on the key succeses and not short falls. I think you're sensible, don't push yourself too hard, for any change or habit to become permanent we do it with ease and gently.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2015
    JoeB1 likes this.
  13. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Joe. Yes, push your body a little at a time. Someone else called them "baby steps."
    JoeB1 likes this.
  14. JoeB1

    JoeB1 Peer Supporter

    'preciate the confirmation guys
  15. Stella

    Stella Well known member

    Hi Joe
    I am 5 years out of the program. I still have various symptoms on a regular basis. But the SEP has given me the tools to manage them.

    I feel like I am in a AA program. As long as I work the program I can manage symptoms. The symptom is a warning bell that I need to pay attention to my thoughts.

    I get physical activity everyday. I meditate everyday and I try to journal everyday. My phone alarm goes off at 7:30 every evening to remind me to journal.

    I have been taking care of my parents the last 6 years. My Dad has been very ill during that time. My siblings have not helped at all. I deal with anger, guilt, resentment, rejection, and fear on a regular basis.

    I believe it took me over 60 years to practice all these traits. It is going to take time to develop the news.

    Be patient. ..of course we have none.
  16. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Stella. I know what it's like to care for an elderly parent. It ain't easy. My older sister tried caring for our Mom but it wore her out after a few years. Our older brother didn't even try but asked me to. I tried for two years but had to give up because Mom was so hard to please. That left me with guilt,
    but I think I have forgiven myself and her since then, years after she passed. My brother said, "I love Mom. I just don't like her." How true that can be, especially when our parents grow old and they focus their attention just on their needs and wants.

    Do the best you can, but don't be angry at yourself if your efforts aren't enough or appreciated. Congratulate yourself on how much you are doing for your parents.
    Alyssa5 likes this.
  17. JoeB1

    JoeB1 Peer Supporter

    Well said Walt. And Stella those are great points! For me, though, I found journaling to cause more stress than it helped. I still chalk it up to being a good thing though.
  18. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey Joel,

    Journaling isn't for everyone, it helps you dig into the past and identify events, emotions etc, but then it's about analysing that behaviour and breaking it that matters.

    Quite often when I journal and explore these emotions, I end it with a positive mantra, forgiving myself, being compassionate and loving, learning to let go etc Alot of people don't do this within journalling , but I feel it helps me diffuse the bad energy.

    I'd say that's why I prefer EFT to journalling, you can tap on an emotion and later you follow it up with a positive statement. It's quite useful as it replaces the old behavior with new.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
  19. JoeB1

    JoeB1 Peer Supporter

    Yeah it definitely helped me realize I've had a hard time forgiving myself and beating myself up over even the smallest things. I've been using eft to choose to forgive myself and others and let go of the past. It really works! I also tap to let go of stress/tension and anything that's in the way of rebalancing my limbic system.

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