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Finally something that isn't TMS!

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by njoy, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. tarala

    tarala Well known member

    I like this idea too. Obviously you've got to keep going with everything you can do on the physical level, but sometimes it's worth checking out if there are any mental or emotional issues that might also be connected. Having had really bad sciatica, I have issues feeling unsafe in my body. Recently as my TMS has been subsiding my heretofore wonderfully safe1983 Mercedes came out with an infestation of redbacks (very poisonous Australian spiders), fortunately just underneath, not inside. Websites said they were very difficult to eradicate and I was pretty freaked out. Then it clicked, my transportation issues had migrated, lol. Coincidence maybe, but I sat with the emotion, then had it sprayed and they are all gone.
    Forest and Anne Walker like this.
  2. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    So interesting, tarala. Can you tell me more about what you mean by "my transportation issues had migrated"? The idea of sitting with my anxiety (not just about mites but also previous issues that have been supplanted) is a very good one. I really have to calm done a bit to even manage to think clearly about what to do next. Everyone says "call an exterminator" but it's just not that simple. 2014 has been a year filled with endless challenges so far.

    Very poisonous red spiders in your Mercedes? Yikes!
    Forest likes this.
  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I like this statement. I think our Type T personalities include a tendency to castastrophize (not sure if that is a word, but you know what I mean) any adversity, whether internally generated or seemingly from an external source. At least I have become aware of this pattern in myself. Something is always "wrong" which means living in the present must be put on hold until I can right the wrong. Chronic pain served this purpose well for a long time, but now that I'm on to it, I have come up with other things, which I appear to be quite skillful at. So I am working on acceptance, and using the Eckhart Tolle affirmation "this, too" to everything that pops up in life. Then just calmly going about addressing what needs to be done, one step at a time.
    Anne Walker, tarala and Forest like this.
  4. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Njoy from your previous post you said you were too far from an exterminator, OK, that can be an issue. Maybe you could call one for a consultation. In my business I'm required to use pest control companies on a regular basis. I find they know what they are doing. When I can't solve a problem I bring in the professionals. You must be really out in the woods not to have an exterminator within an hour's drive. Have you checked all your resources? If there's a restaurant in your vicinity check to see who they use. Have you tried room foggers, I don't know if they work on bird mites, but I've found they work really well for most everything else, are cheap and quick.
  5. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    Ellen, you said, "Chronic pain served this purpose well for a long time, but now that I'm on to it, I have come up with other things, which I appear to be quite skillful at." That's so true. For me, I am convinced that the world is in imminent danger (economic collapse, followed by WW3, to be precise) and no one is going to convinced me otherwise so puleeze don't try. Specifically, I think I am scared of doing without my growlies and all that that entails. Ouch. Totally self-centered, I know, I know.

    Not that I was consciously thinking about starving to death -- no, I had it all prettied up as concern for humankind and other living things. It was getting quite overwhelming, keeping me up nights and invading my dreams in non-subtle ways. In a way, bird mites were a relief because my mind was totally focused on them, not some future out of my control. But, as TMS so often does, it has gone way too far. The "cure" is worse than the disease. I want to go back to being typical (little or no reaction to bird mites) rather than atypical (driven mad by them).

    My husband has pointed out that we are all covered with mites all the time. They seldom bother us and actually perform various useful functions. I liked tralala's post about sitting with the emotion. I very rarely do this. I jump on problems and pummel them into submission which, of course, doesn't always work. Especially this time.
    Ellen likes this.
  6. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm with you on that one! At least where you live you are somewhat away from the anarchy to ensue and will have some time to get to the high ground, barbarians don't like cold climes where you have to work to survive. Not sure about wind conditions for the nuclear fall-out though.
  7. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    TT, we are about an hour away from town but you are right that we could invest great wads of money and bring an exterminator out. Online at least these guys aren't hopeful about bird mites. About the only thing that really works is a full house "bubble" (or whatever they are called) which costs many thousands of dollars. We'll do our own experimenting before we think about that. Sulphur works as well as anything, some say, so we will "bomb" the place a few times.
  8. tarala

    tarala Well known member

    Hi njoy. I meant that my "vehicle, " my body, used to feel unsafe due to TMS symptoms. Like traveling for instance, then having a sciatica flare up while away. I just thought it funny that when I quit focusing on my body being a hindrance to getting around, my car suddenly came up with "symptoms" and I was scared to go places in it. The point was that the emotions for me were identical, afraid of getting around safely.
    Forest and Ellen like this.
  9. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    You've hit the nail 100% on the head for me, Ellen. Worrying is just another form of TMSing that I create to "protect" me from other things that threaten me. They can become an unhealthy addiction, though because they avoid the true cause.

    Or maybe I was just born a worrier. Sometimes I just don't know.
    Anne Walker likes this.
  10. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    Update: I "bugged out" to a motel (many precautions taken) but the bugs came with me. I Raid-ed the room -- it isn't a busy motel so I hope the bugs will migrate before anyone else moves in, not that bird mites bother most people ...

    In fact, I am thinking this really might be TMS, a reaction to the serious anxiety I was feeling about the world situation which obviously I can do nothing about except hoard gold and freeze dried food (bleh!) and shoot starving people who try to take my stuff. Lol, this is SO not going to happen. I already get that anxiety is TMS but what would a brain do when the anxiety isn't really working ? Enter: "delustional parasitosis" (aka Morgellons), which is a type of "delusional infestation".

    "Many dermatologists treat Morgellons as delusional parasitosis. After a thorough medical examination to rule out known organic causes for the symptoms, delusional parasitosis patients are typically prescribed one of several typical antipsychotic drugs.[30][31] In the past, pimozide was the drug of choice; in addition to antipsychotic activity, it also has antipruritic activity, meaning it inhibits the sensation of itching.[32] However, pimozide requires frequent electrocardiographic monitoring.[31] Currently, atypical antipsychotics such as olanzapine or risperidone are used as first line treatment.[31] Antipsychotics are effective at treating delusional parasitosis at doses as low as one-fifth to one-tenth the dose typically prescribed for schizophrenia.[31] It is common for patients who believe they have Morgellons to reject a physician's diagnosis of delusional parasitosis."

    Wikipedia attributes this widespread delusion at least partially on a biologist, Mary Leitao, and her internist husband whose two year old son developed itchy sores with tiny fibers sticking out of them. The parents started a web site to support other sufferers, naming the new disease Morgellons. A study by the CDC ending in 2012 found no support for the existence of Morgellons and said the fibers were "cotton", mostly. I googled: morgellons mary leitao to get both sides of the story. Just fascinating.

    Anyway, I don't have weird sores with fibers but I am sure as heck itchy which might be a "delusional infestation". I hope it is. That might save me endless scrubbing, spraying with miticides, and puffing diatomaceous earth into every crack and cranny. Yay!

    So, off I go for an examination and, I hope, a prescription. Still itching like mad (ha!), but delighted at the thought of toning down the buggy-ness, whatever its source. I don't give a bird's behind what is causing this problem as long as it GOES AWAY.

    Wish me luck and call me n:joyful:.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2014
    Ellen and Forest like this.
  11. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Fingers crossed!
  12. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    G'luck, Njoy!
  13. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Fascinating! Wishing you the best, Njoy. Keep us posted. Hoping it is TMS, as then you only need your brain to cure it.
  14. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    Yup, it's TMS.

    I felt a few crawlies and "bites" last night but it sunk in over a few hours that, hard as it is to believe, THIS BUG THING THAT HAS BUILT UP IN ME OVER THE LAST FEW MONTHS IS NOT REAL. I checked out the drugs for "delusional parisitosis" and there is zero chance I'm taking any of those. My symptoms gradually lessened and finally disappeared and I went off the bed (with half an oxazepam on my night table, just in case) and slept well through the entire night. No bugs!

    Up early because we have a new puppy who was crying to get out of her crate. Still nothing. Well, okay, the tops of my ears were burning for a few minutes while I wrote this post and I had a sharp pain in one finger and ... well, you don't want to hear about the third one!

    All TMS. This is great. Thanks so much to everybody for ALL the help and support from this thread, the forum, Dr. Sarno et al ... And, yes, Walt and Herbie, especially to God for setting up and guiding us on this adventure called life. What a hoot it all is.
    Forest likes this.
  15. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Wow, our unconscious brains are very creative! Seems like the smarter we get at figuring out what is TMS, our unconscious comes up with some weird stuff to distract us.

    Glad you are no longer itchy, Njoy. I know how miserable that can be.
  16. tarala

    tarala Well known member

    It's hilarious, most people are desperate to have proof that it's something "real" while we are all praying it's just TMS. I'm coming more and more to think that if it's happening to me then it's got something to do with me-- my thoughts, my unconscious emotions, beliefs I'm unaware of, etc. The universe is always kind to me, but I am not.
    Forest, njoy and Ellen like this.
  17. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    Ellen, I'm still a bit itchy at times but it's all connected with stress and I know it.

    tarala, yes, it's all about you -- or me, in this case!
  18. Shirley

    Shirley Peer Supporter

    Oh dear, I just read up on birdmites.org I couldn't believe there was anything worse than bedbugs. They did have this advice:
    Finding a way to cope is vital when dealing with this affliction. Laughter and prayer are often our most effective coping mechanisms, and both are difficult to do with a parasite infestation. It can really affect a person's faith and what they believe in, as unanswered prayers can make it hard to believe that anything good will ever come from this. People who have been through this and have come out the other end are better able to sympathize and encourage others who have to deal with this kind of adversity, so that is a good thing. And when we are able to share our experiences and effective solutions with each other, the better off we all are!
    It's good you had a place to do this!
  19. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    Thanks, Shirley. The thing is there is some pretty credible scientific evidence that bird mites don't reproduce on human blood. The web site bird mites.org disagrees. I don't know who is right, of course, but the preponderance of evidence does seem to suggest that my "infestation" is TMS. I'm not saying there are no bugs. Maybe there are. We do have chickens but have moved them quite a long way from the house. But when I started using my favourite TMS tips and tricks I had very few itches for a full day. Now the itching is back but milder. I know I am a TMS-er and tend to have "diseases" which turn out to be TMS (including back pain, fibromyalgia and anxiety). Almost every time, these "diseases" have improved or even totally disappeared. All this is proof, at least to me.

    Welcome to the forum! It's my favorite place to be on the Internet.
  20. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Njoy, I've lost track of your situation a bit and a am a bit confused now. Are you seeing the the bird mites with your naked eyes? You mentioned you got bit by one under your finger nail, did you see it or just felt the bite? You mentioned you caught one and you were taking it to a vet for identification verification. So do you have an infestation and can see them hopping or flying about with your eyes or are you just itching and think it may be bird mites? Thanks for a clarification and it seems like TMS has helped you to turn the volume control down on the anxiety.

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