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Day 3 Exercise

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Ithantech, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. Ithantech

    Ithantech Peer Supporter

    My back pain began on Saturday, Dec 23 after a two day trip to visit my family. Earlier that week, I had enthusiastically written "Exercise" on my calendar as a recurring daily activity. And I had started off the week by going to yoga, walking the dog and managing to throw in some interval sprints, and tried a new Barre class.

    But since the pain started, I have rarely left the house and my exercise has been limited to climbing the steps a few times per day. I can be pain free for a few steps, but then my left leg struggles to bear weight and it not only hurts but starts to shake and grow numb, so I sit until it passes.

    As I have been taking in the new perspective on TMS, I have tried a couple of 5 minute yoga practices which have felt good.

    Yesterday, during the Day 2 goal setting, I set a goal of attending a full 1 hour yoga class by Saturday. Even writing this, I feel anxious and wonder if that is too ambitious.

    I should add, that I am spending about two hours every morning immersed in TMS resources - reading, listening, and writing in my journal. I have really let a lot of repressed emotions come out and feel very grateful. Yet, as my limited physical activity indicates, I still have a ways to go.
  2. Ithantech

    Ithantech Peer Supporter

    Update...since making this Day 3 post earlier today, I was kind of ashamed about being so inactive. So, in the comfort of my own home, I put on a 30 minute yoga practice that I had followed often before. Yes I felt pain at times bit I kept going through the poses. I got through the whole 30 minutes and feel great. I drank a bunch of water afterwards and popped a few Advil because some muscle soreness is normal.

    So rather than feeling ashamed, I feel good. I even here James Brown singing in my head.
    MWsunin12 likes this.
  3. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I love your courage to move ahead. James Brown is a perfect song for every success.
    Ithantech likes this.

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