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Dying of fright this halloween?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Forest, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Through reading PPD/TMS books, we often learn about the Autonomic Nervous System, ANS, which unconsciously controls the functioning of many of our organ systems. The ANS is broken down into the Autonomic Nervous System, which generally stimulates the body through hormones such as adrenalin and the Parasympathetic Nervous System which calms it down.

    Today I came across the following article in the Wall Street Journal that discusses, rather frighteningly, how the ANS and PNS can actually fatally stop the heart. In the video that accompanies the story, Dr. Martin Samuels of the Harvard affiliated Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston explains how this can happen.

    Keep in mind this is an extremely rare condition, so you probably won't die the next time you watch a scary movie, but I did think this was a really interesting piece of evidence showing the mind-body connection. And, since we are nearing Halloween, I thought a slightly scary article was fitting. :eek:

    A couple of points that I took away from this are:
    • Can be triggered by good news.
    • Broken heart syndrome can happen a couple of months after the triggering event. Somehow there is enough emotion there to trigger one of these sympathetic nervous system storms.
    • “Whenever there is a big earthquake, … the number of sudden deaths go up by about five or six fold for about a week after an earthquake. That’s been measured around the world many times.”
  2. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think I did read in Dr Sarno somewhere how hospital ERs were filled with people with essentially psychosomatic symptoms for over two weeks after the 9/11 attacks. Mass hysteria? I remember a washing machine repairman coming over to my house two days after 9/11 and he was terrified that airplanes loaded with explosives were about to come out of the sky and hit public buildings all across America. He was jumpy and practically shaking in his boots. It was like he was listening for the sound of jet engines. But I can remember having a car wreck where a couple of kids with a stolen car cut me off on a mountain road and I wound up in the ditch with a dent in my left from fender. Felt normal at the time, but about two-hours later, while sitting next to a mountain stream, I did go into shock and started shaking and feeling cold. So there is some kind of delay between experiencing a traumatic event and your bodymind reacting to it. That much is certain.

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