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Doctor Evaluations not reliable

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by TrustIt, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    I realize there needs to be disclaimers when discussing "cures" and such, but here is my question. How can we find a doctor we can trust these days? They can be either incorrect in the diagnoses, or convince us with Xrays and test results that we have some disease or abnormality. Getting checked out by a doctor first isn't at all satisfying or convincing to me as to what may actually be going on.
    Avnita Suri likes this.
  2. Benjiro

    Benjiro Peer Supporter

    Well, part of the logic I think is to eliminate all doubt. You never know, and there are exceptions to every rule. Something could be hiding on an MRI that is beyond dispute, granted that doctors often falsely correlate symptoms with normal structural abnormalities.

    Personally I am disinclined to get checked out, but I’m also in my mid-20s and the probability of me having a serious structural problem is not great. I think modern medicine is quite good at dealing with the really serious stuff. It’s the chronic nagging stuff that make up the majority of health problems where effectiveness is unsatisfactory.
  3. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    i don't have as much confidence in "modern medicine" as you do. it deals with trauma/accidents and some diagnostics well, but not "the really serious stuff" in my opinion. I have just seen so many errors, and so much suffering because of it. I don't trust it.
    Avnita Suri likes this.
  4. Benjiro

    Benjiro Peer Supporter

    My uncle’s triple bypass heart surgery comes to mind. But for the chronic stuff and certainly any health problem I ever had, I agree with you completely.
    TrustIt likes this.
  5. mbo

    mbo Well known member

    you feel bad, you go to the doctor and explain she/he your scary symptoms. The doctor doesn't know about the «TMS fenomenon» neither in the existence of «fake illnesses» created by our brain. The doctor orders CT, MRI, .... and correlates images, probably «normal anormalities», with symptoms, probably «fake», .... and the «ceremony of confusion» begins!
    A very common situation.
    TrustIt and Benjiro like this.
  6. Avnita Suri

    Avnita Suri Peer Supporter

    @TrustIt , I know what you mean and it's a great question. Here's my opinion... Through working as a Lifestyle Prescriptions Health Coach working on root cause/s we find that we can work on ANY health issue and get the person to go into spontaneous healing. Yes, even heart disease and cancer. (I had a lady who had a cyst in her breast and it went away after a session). So do you or don't you go to the doctor? The way I see it is if you can find trusted practitioners to help you work through illnesses that's brilliant. If not, only YOU can make that decision of whether something is emotional or not, not the doctor. Where they're at and the way they're taught they are unable to.

    If something IS urgent or you're not sure about how to work through it 100% then I suggest visit the doctors. With enough knowledge you'll get to a point of knowing what you want to use; their advice or work through your emotional stuff. For me, the latter wins hands down nearly all of the time.

    You're right X-rays and scans don't necessarily get rid of issues; you need to bring in the mind body aspect to get complete recovery, I think.
    TrustIt likes this.

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