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Digestion Issues

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by twocups88, Feb 24, 2023.

  1. twocups88

    twocups88 Well known member

    So last year I started getting lower stomach problems. Constipation and diarrhea. Over the last teo months i have been having upper stomach problems. I burp constantly. I feel kind of nauseous. I thought I may have had gastroparesis because I am a type 2 diabetic. But i took the test and it came back negative. But im still worried ilI have it because some people say there first test was negative and it came back positive. Sometimes i think its anxiety. But it never goes away like my old anxious episodes. Some days it is better but sometimes its not. I feel so scared and worried about it. I bought a SIBO test but really dont want to go down that rabbit hole. Its so physical. All i do is burp. It wakes me up at night. Its hard to say its TMS because I have diabetes that wasnt too well controlled the past few years. I think I have done damage to my stomach. I cant afford an endoscopy right now so I dont know what to do. I started therapy last week and the Dr isnt well versed in mind body but he says I dont have gastroparesis symtpoms but I do. I dont know. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    It sounds like your psychologist is doing quite well with the mind/body connection to me!
    Gastropareis is a disease that needs testing to gain a diagnosis. You had the testing and tested negative.
    A negative test means you do not have it.
    Have you ever read a book by Dr. Sarno or watched some of the pain science short films of Dr. Schubiner? It might be a good refresher to do, even if you have read them.
    Have you completed a tms program or “done the work”?
    Honestly, it sounds like anxiety and or acid reflux. I have had many reflux symptoms, and it took time to realize they were anxiety. I needed to open my mind and look beyond the physical, and think psychological (Sarno!).
    Honestly, this seems more like you are being resistant to the mind/body connection. Why not try to start telling yourself that it’s anxiety. Accept that it is just a symptom. Insomnia is just a symptom. They won’t last forever. You are safe, they can’t harm you. Do what you can for your true physical condition of diabetes. Prove to your brain you can be healthy and take care of you, prove to your mind you can keep it healthy and safe. Perhaps at night you can enjoy meditation, reading, or anything that helps you feel calmer and safer. During the day, take time to journal about your stress and emotions. Find some lightness in your day. Forge a trusting relationship with your new intuitive therapist.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. twocups88

    twocups88 Well known member

    Thank you for the advice. Im starting to believe im in a period of sensitization as Claire Weeks states it. It happened to me once before five years ago and it went away. It just harder this time because of the diabetes diagnosis which was brought on by my addiction to carbs. I wish i could heal my diabetes, but dont think thats possible. Thanks again.
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Carbs are not the evil of diabetes, your addiction is. The addiction to “carbs” is a mindset just like the addiction of pain.
    Digging into the need for “addiction” is how you heal. What are emotions are you not willing to feel by these habits? Can you see a cycle that started them so long ago? How do you feel about symptoms returning and about your self-blame for eating “too many carbs” in relation to the self-pressure of getting diabetes.
    Can you open your mind and begin to explore freeing yourself from self-limiting beliefs? You have handled tms before! Do you see the possibility of healing diabetes and becoming free? Feeling more control in your life in areas that you actually can control can be so freeing!
    TrustIt likes this.
  5. twocups88

    twocups88 Well known member

    thanks again. I want to heal. I dont know if its possible to heal from diabetes from what my dr says. He says once a diabetic always a diabetic. But anyway. I want to heal from my worrying and constant limiting beliefs. I just have this deep belief that nothing good will happen to me. Im sick of it. I want to get better.

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