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Detached from Felt Sense of Self

Discussion in 'Alan Gordon TMS Recovery Program' started by zclesa, May 29, 2019.

  1. zclesa

    zclesa Well known member

    I have a real difficulty with Somatic Tracking. I just don't "feel things" in my body. I slide straight into action, which gives me a clue as to how I'm feeling, but just don't feel much at all in my body. My counsellor says it's because I am detached from my "felt sense of self".

    I understand that developmental trauma can make it feel like one is not safe in the body, and so perhaps this is why I can't "feel" my feelings clearly in the body.

    I am wondering if doing some Bodywork (like Yoga) will help me out with this, or will I just have to keep trying to feel? Any tips?

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