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desperately want to believe

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by joe house, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. wonderwoman

    wonderwoman Peer Supporter

    Joe, I had back pain for 4 years. I did not leave my house for 4 years except for a doctor appointment during the 4 years. I would be screaming many nights in pain. I could not tie my shoes or even walk very far. All I did was sit in a chair during that time.

    I have made a full recovery. I do anything I want now. The key to my recovery was my mental thinking. I thought a good person should never scream or yell or get angry. If so, then you were a bad person. I had a lot of guilt when I did those things. Once I learned to accept the parts of myself that I did not like, then my recovery became very quick.

    I believe that your body and the mind are working together to give you a message when you have pain. Check your thinking if your body does not heal in a normal time.
    Simplicity and Tennis Tom like this.
  2. joe house

    joe house Peer Supporter

    Wonder Woman thank you for your post I'm having a rough day it was nice to read that you over came your pain. How did you come to realize that it was the guilt. Did you go to therapy or was it self discovery. Also was there any one thing that you did that helped you accept TMS as the problem. I have injuries some doctors swear that is my problem and other doctors say they don't know why I'm in so much pain. Just yesterday my chiropractor tells me I need to be seeing him three times a week and yet he said he can't put my spine back to where it needs to be. I think he must have bought a new car. Lol. But did you have injury evidence to over come. And if you did how did you do it. I feel like I'm a sponge right now I want to hear everyone's story and I'm grateful for people taking the time to share. Thats great you over came your pain that will be incredible when I do.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  3. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

  4. ashoo79

    ashoo79 New Member

    Joe house you are on the right forum trust me party just started. People here have stories of been in pain for past 20 years and they are now pain free just thinking about this gives me shiver and I think I am one lucky girl no doubt my recovery is very slow but I am sticking with the plan to overcome my menifested traits. So hang in there with a hope and trust.
  5. wonderwoman

    wonderwoman Peer Supporter

    I did not go to therapy to overcome TMS. It was self-discovery.

    What help me to accept that TMS was the problem was after seeing so many doctors. The doctors just kept prescribing another stronger pain pill and send me off the to the next specialist. One day I said to myself that I had enough of doctors. I always felt worse after I came back from a doctor appointment after examining me. After seeing so many doctors that could not solve the physical problem, I figured that the only thing left that it could be was my mental thinking. Also when I got no relief from any pain pill that I took also confirmed that this must be a psychological issue. So this help me to accept that TMS was the problem.

    So I told myself no more doctors in my future and focused on cleaning up some mental beliefs. That worked, and I am now 100% cured.

    My MRI showed bulging disk at the L3-4 level and L4-5 level and a central disc protrusion at L5-S1 level. I also had a right renal cyst. I had pain from the neck to the toes. I had inflammation that felt like a sunburn in my shoulders, back, arms, abdomen, and hips. I also had a great deal of muscle pain.

    I did physical therapy one day and never went back. When I felt worse after the session than when I began the session, I knew this was not for me.

    Joe, I hope this answers your questions and give you faith that this psychological thinking stuff really works.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  6. joe house

    joe house Peer Supporter

    Thanks ashoo79 I have been reading a lot of the succes stories tonight and it has made me think about how I handle my own emotion and how I have delt with events in my childhood. I think I have some work to do. Glad I'm here.
  7. joe house

    joe house Peer Supporter

    I to have tried so much medication but the side effects are worse than what I was trying to fix. I thought on several occasions that my mind was part of the problem but then I would say to myself that there is no way I could make myself hurt this bad but after reading some of the stories I know TMS can be crazy painful.
    Can you explain what cleaning up some mental beliefs involves ? Thanks it helps me to know your MRI reads much like mine and you still over came it. A friend from another forum said he has tried everything but nothing worked now I can share what I'm learning here. We are not at the end of the road we just found it. Thanks for helping me
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2016
  8. wonderwoman

    wonderwoman Peer Supporter

    What I mean by cleaning up some mental beliefs involves how you talk to yourself. You practice love and compassion with yourself by never saying negative things to yourself, quit judging yourself, and being the way you would treat a good friend. You also learn to love all parts of your personality.

    I also believe that you are always doing the best you can with the knowledge that you have at the present time. As we gain more knowledge, we make better choices. That is why you do not have to beat yourself up when things do not go your way.
  9. Anne Walker

    Anne Walker Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi. I confess, I am busy and have only skimmed through this thread. But I just have to put in my two cents anyway! haha. I did read the part about you helping a friend, feeling good about yourself, and the pain going away. Coincidence? I think not. This is precisely the kind of thing you should notice and put down on your evidence sheet. Perhaps the first couple of times you won't be convinced, but there will be a point in which the connection happens frequently enough that you will just know it is the case. But write it down so you can review the evidence. A questioning, doubtful mind needs a lot of good hard evidence.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  10. joe house

    joe house Peer Supporter

    That is good advise I do catch myself going over my failures in my head and beating myself up about it. I don't know why I do it I have asked myself that question it has no useful purpose to dwell on the negative. I don't dwell on the good things that i have done and there is way more of that. Thanks!
  11. joe house

    joe house Peer Supporter

    I don't think it's a coincidence either and it really surprised me it happen. I got that warm fuzzy feeling inside and the pain was gone. I have been wanting to do something to help other for a long time but was waiting to get better but now I'm thinking helping other will help me get better. Thanks for your support
    Anne Walker likes this.
  12. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    TMS is about substituting negative psychosomatic bodily DISTRACTIONS with positive emotional distractions.
    Anne Walker likes this.
  13. joe house

    joe house Peer Supporter

    Tom your comment gave me an idea to write down as many possitive emotions that I can think of and then do what I can do to experience them. My mind from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed is obsessed with my pain level and staying out of pain. I think this might help. Thanks
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
    Anne Walker likes this.
  14. joe house

    joe house Peer Supporter

    Quick update I had another experience yesterday I went to pick my car up from getting new brakes. It was snowing and the roads were slippery. I was stressed out my girl friend was driving 65 to get there and my pain level was at a 7. I had a hard time getting out of the car. When my girlfriend left she drove over the curb and I was laughing so hard as I cleaned the snow off my car when I got to the other side of my car and I was stretching I realized I had zero pain. I completely forgot about my pain. I drove home pain free I even stopped at the food store on the way home which I never would have after being at a 7. I did have a minor set back today but my spirits are high.
  15. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    What would have happened if you asked her to slow down because it was stressing you out?

    Why were you laughing?

    Do you understand stretching to "cure" TMS goes against the protocols?
  16. joe house

    joe house Peer Supporter

    I did ask her to slow down a few times but she thinks she knows better and she thinks I over react to bad weather when I drive. I told her where to turn again she did not what to listen so she learned the hard way. That's why I was laughing

    I was stretching to get at snow on my wind shield which normally would have given me pain or I would have avoided it all together. But I wasn't focused on my pain and I just did it because I needed to thats when I realized I was not in pain.
    I also used a TMS technique today that worked great I'm very excited and full of confidence because I was able to do something I have never done before in six years to deal with my pain. im sure I will do somethings wrong until I get all the information to stick in my head but I'll get there.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
  17. joe house

    joe house Peer Supporter

    Quick update yesterday I had my oil changed in my car I was feeling ok but when I saw my car up in the air on the car rack my pain jumped to a 6. My pain went up because I knew if I needed to go home because of my pain I could not and that created the anxiety. I had to stop looking at my car and I tried to distract myself. At one point I was sure that the pain was real it hurt that bad my thought of it being TMS go out the window. I get my car back as I sit down getting comfortable and feeling safe again my pain goes away. I went on to do a few more things after that. I did first tell myself the pain medication I took 45 minutes earlier kicked in but I knew the pain medication would not have started working just as I sat down. It was TMS it has to be. I had issue a few days ago from taking a hot shower for what I thought was to long. The heat hurts my L5 but I know that a shower should not make anyone hurt. It took me two days to recover from that. I feel like a real head case right now. I have an appointment to see my physiatrist about my hip and nerve pain this week. If he can not find anything I'm going to have to change everything that I'm doing and that scares me a lot. I had some succes already getting in touch with my emotions to bring my pain down. I did it five times but its getting harder for me to do it and it does not work every time. I have been getting hit with waves of anger from out of no where. I'm guessing its from bring up repressed emotions not fun but better than pain. There so much information I'm trying to understand it and it's going very slowly. I know it will be worth it in the end. I wish everyone the best.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016

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