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Describing TMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Manjuno, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. Manjuno

    Manjuno New Member

    Just a theory. I'm curious if anybody can relate.

    I've been wondering how to desribe my TMS issues to someone who's not familiar with it and I realized it's like my body forgot how to turn off pain.

    I get a minor shoulder injury and bam! the pain sets in and doesn't know it's supposed to go away after the injury is healed.

    I hurt my knee while running and sure enough it still hurts when the physiotherapists say it shouldn't anymore.

    I make a sudden move and strain a muscle and three months later I still have pain in that area.

    I bash my toe against a dresser and it keeps reminding me about it almost a year later.

    They all seem like legitimate reasons to generate pain but only for a short amount of time. Yet, my brain seems to be saying: "Whoa, nice one, let's keep this forever".
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Not exactly. That is not what Dr. Sarno really said about TMS.
    You are missing some of the crucial aspects by thinking about the pain as something purely physical. It IS pain but it masks inner pain and turmoil, which causes the brain to think it is constantly unsafe and you get stuck in fight or flight. It causes pain but other symptoms not just pain such as dizziness, vertigo, exhaustion, anxiety, OCD like thoughts...and I myself had a MYRIAD of other crazy symptoms which are merely just the nervous system going wild.

    "This condition causes very real pain, it certainly isn’t ‘all in your head’ but the symptoms you experience aren’t caused by a physical, structural problem, they’re actually caused by the autonomic nervous system, linked to unresolved emotional turmoil. Your brain is trying to protect you and keep you safe, sometimes even from yourself."
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. Manjuno

    Manjuno New Member

    Yes, I think I understand this perspective but what I described is how it seemed to me before I even heard the term TMS. It seemed as if temporary pain forgot to shut off and instead it became permanent.

    But it definitely, absolutely does feel like the nervous system going completely bonkers. Like it doesn't know what it's supposed to be doing and just flips random switches and presses random buttons all the time.
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Your nervous system can’t regulate because it is as deeply tied to your thoughts and emotions as it is to your physical body. Understanding a concept and accepting it are two different things.
    Dr. Sarno instructed us to focus on the psychological. The rest will come into alignment after that.
    Think Psychological!

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