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Day one

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by nowtimecoach, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. nowtimecoach

    nowtimecoach Well known member

    Hello everyone.
    Thank you for being here. I look forward to being one of the success stories and supporting others in their health.
    Question To Ponder
    What would a life without TMS mean to you?
    Life without TMS would mean a return to my once robust athletic life. Bike riding, swimming, running all without pain or the FEAR of pain. I would confidently make social plans and not worrying about back spasming, uncomfortable chairs and the annoying demands that pain makes. I can get back to work and feel like I am contributing to society again.
    It also means that I will have an increased awareness of feelings that lead to the back pain distraction. I think that piece is the one I'm even more excited about.
    Cherylie and Stella like this.
  2. nowtimecoach

    nowtimecoach Well known member

    Day 2
    Three things that make me angry: 1) Being taken advantage of - 2) Not being appreciated for who I am or what I do - 3) Arrogance and Rudeness
    Three things that make me sad: 1) People who are hurting - 2) People who are blinded by their wounds - 3) Life ending here on earth.
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    nowtimecoach)- Life without TMS would mean a return to my once robust athletic life. Bike riding, swimming, running all without pain or the FEAR of pain. I would confidently make social plans and not worrying about back spasming, uncomfortable chairs and the annoying demands that pain makes. I can get back to work and feel like I am contributing to society again.
    It also means that I will have an increased awareness of feelings that lead to the back pain distraction. I think that piece is the one I'm even more excited about.

    Eric)- Congratulations on wanting to help others heal
    Everything you mentioned there is how you heal
    Not fearing the pain, not worrying about lifes stressors in general
    if a chairs uncomfortable then you wont study that and it will become comfortable
    The back pain is a distraction saying hey I want to live life to the fullest

    Everything you mentioned was about enjoying life again,
    when you really learn not to fear the pain and learn to enjoy life again
    in the steps laid out in all these programs and the SEP
    You will have what your believing for, so keep expecting.

    Loose any anger, become at peace with life and nature
    through meditation, facing, floating, focusing or just loose the fear and anger.

    You have to get back to wholeness with life
    You have the right attitude

    Thanks for being a apart of the community
    nowtimecoach likes this.

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