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Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by nowtimecoach, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. nowtimecoach

    nowtimecoach Well known member

    Have you been overly critical of yourself lately? How and why have you done this?
    Gosh yesterday I felt like I opened a can of worms when I fired my Low Self Esteem. I went for a bike ride and kept getting pain flare-ups. I felt like my low self-esteem was kicking back. I noticed as I was riding that I felt out of shape and I was getting fat. (Reality. It was fantastic that I was on my bike again after many months of not riding) So yes, I have gained some weight from not as much physical activity...but what LSE (low self esteem) told me is that I needed mondo exercise to keep me from feeling LSE. That I needed to be a certain weight/look to keep me from feeling LSE. Then the awareness of how I've used athletic successes to keep me from challenging myself in work success. "Don't have time to work and network... have to train." I was able to really hear the dialog of LSE and how busy its been to keep me from feeling happy and satisfied.
    My overly critical days are lessened with this new found awareness. Figuring out the difference between Critical Thoughts/ Pressure Thoughts and Fear thoughts have been very very helpful. Today I'm making it a priority to catch the thoughts and place them in their columns. Yeah for Awareness!!
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    nowtimecoach)- Gosh yesterday I felt like I opened a can of worms when I fired my Low Self Esteem. I went for a bike ride and kept getting pain flare-ups.

    Eric)- This is just the tms trying to fight back again as you know so make sure to not fear or focus on it- just go about your journey fearless and you'll be fine.

    nowtimecoach)- low self esteem) told me is that I needed mondo exercise to keep me from feeling LSE. That I needed to be a certain weight/look to keep me from feeling LSE. Then the awareness of how I've used athletic successes to keep me from challenging myself in work success. "Don't have time to work and network... have to train." I was able to really hear the dialog of LSE and how busy its been to keep me from feeling happy and satisfied.

    Eric) Wow, this shows that you are really onto catching these tension generators, Critical Thoughts/ Pressure Thoughts and Fear thoughts.
    Your really doing a good job.
    Keep me posted, im intrigued with your recovery,
    nowtimecoach likes this.

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