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Day 33

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Boston Redsox, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    They want me to write about my perfectionism trait but to be brutally honest, i really don't care if things are perfect or the way they get done especially at home…at work well a little different I ma in the construction business and there is no room for not being perfect…but I have other people who deal with that.

    With me it would have to be the goodish trait that is one of my down falls always worrying about somebody else especially when it comes to my kids ( Is that wrong) or is that being called a parents who cares. I know there is always everyday stressors we need to deal with come on we do live on planet earth.

    But I guess the real answer is on how with RESPOND to said issues not react big believer in this one. If anything I have grabbed to put in my TMS help bag is this trait….better than all the rest of them for ME.

    I guess journaling, positive affirmations, meditating are all great modalities to help combat tms, but they are only the front line soldiers in my journey and it seems most of the time they are getting there ass kick in. LOL.

    What as been helping me when I am in pain is to except it not push it away or ignore it but to reach out to it almost lean in to it. At times it just passes. We can't get mad at it its just a waste of energy thank it for its message and move on.

    Whats been helpful is all the audio on the wiki especially Steve O voice he's a no nonsense guy with a incredible story but and I say but with the upmost respect for is journey and whet he went threw but it was back main as is pain modalities not burning stinging pain of skin and feet not saying is journey was not hell after 27 yrs but I am looking for someone who suffers what I have and many of us with the same issues. Also a great person to listen to is Tara Brach fantastic women she gets it catch here podcasts.

    Ok I am done hope all of you in tms comm have a super great day catch some nature some good food and company signing out from the state that as a $215 million dollar baseball teaming last place.
  2. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    They want me to write about my perfectionism trait but to be brutally honest, i really don't care if things are perfect or the way they get done especially at home…at work well a little different I ma in the construction business and there is no room for not being perfect…but I have other people who deal with that.

    With me it would have to be the goodish trait that is one of my down falls always worrying about somebody else especially when it comes to my kids ( Is that wrong) or is that being called a parents who cares. I know there is always everyday stressors we need to deal with come on we do live on planet earth.

    But I guess the real answer is on how with RESPOND to said issues not react big believer in this one. If anything I have grabbed to put in my TMS help bag is this trait….better than all the rest of them for ME.

    I guess journaling, positive affirmations, meditating are all great modalities to help combat tms, but they are only the front line soldiers in my journey and it seems most of the time they are getting there ass kick in. LOL.

    What as been helping me when I am in pain is to except it not push it away or ignore it but to reach out to it almost lean in to it. At times it just passes. We can't get mad at it its just a waste of energy thank it for its message and move on.

    Whats been helpful is all the audio on the wiki especially Steve O voice he's a no nonsense guy with a incredible story but and I say but with the upmost respect for is journey and whet he went threw but it was back main as is pain modalities not burning stinging pain of skin and feet not saying is journey was not hell after 27 yrs but I am looking for someone who suffers what I have and many of us with the same issues. Also a great person to listen to is Tara Brach fantastic women she gets it catch here podcasts.

    Ok I am done hope all of you in tms comm have a super great day catch some nature some good food and company signing out from the state that as a $215 million dollar baseball teaming last place.
    Markus likes this.
  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Marco. I think you are absolutely right about stress or pain largely being from the way you react to situations. I have to do the same, because of creditors calling for money, even today, a Sunday! I had a real bad one this morning and decided to laugh afterwards. It helps, but I must admit I did the ultimate thing... I just unplugged the telephone for the rest of the afternoon and evening.

    The best way I get over emotional stress is to LAUGH.
  4. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Maybe I replied to this already, but if it didn't post, I will do it again.

    Steve O and his book are really great. Now I remember, my reply was about how we respond to issues. I know about that. I sometimes get angry and upset but am working more on calming down and even laughing. Getting myself all worked up doesn't help at all. And I gave up being a perfectionist. I do my best at everything and say to hell if it's not perfect. And accept myself as not a being perfect person. I'm a pretty nice guy, and that's enough for me.
    Boston Redsox likes this.
  5. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    That what i would do one step better get rid of the phone
  6. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    That sounds like words to live by Walt thx for the thoughts

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