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Day 32

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by TheWayBackUp, Aug 25, 2017.

  1. TheWayBackUp

    TheWayBackUp Peer Supporter

    The last time I made a mistake was earlier today. I was trying to install software in a spare laptop so that my substitute worker could use it when we go away next month. However I ran into trouble getting it to work. I spent a lot of time trying to figure it out, and also called a help line, and that person said it wasn't an issue on their end, but I wasn't so sure, so I went thru everything with him and it turned out that it was all fine there. He was rude to me which hurt my feelings a little. Then I called another help line and twice my call got dropped which irritated me to no end. Finally I got help from someone who fixed the issue. It turned out it was a really simple fix that I should have been able to fix on my own but I for some reason didn't notice it when I looked at it originally. The formating change in the new version threw me off.

    I felt bad that I spent all that time and made those other people help me for such a simple problem. I also felt upset with myself for not double checking more before I started calling all the people. However, recently I have had so many technical issues to deal with and normally calling people makes it all go faster, so that's why I did it. In the end I understand why it happened the way it is, but I also feel frustrated that I didn't notice the problem myself in the first place.

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