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Day 30 - changed relationships; anyone else?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Archie, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Archie

    Archie Peer Supporter

    hi, if anyone has read my previous posts you may realise that I started ALOT longer ago than 30 days!!! However, this is part of me bring kind to myself - taking off the p ressure of "you must do a day of the programme each and every day, and not miss a single one, and also do it brilliantly" !
    So, at day 30 is the reflection on how the programme has changed my significant relationships, and I decided to post my thoughts to see if anyone else has had a similar experience . Firstly I have to say that following the programme has been very positive - I am less of a people-pleaser, I have found reservoirs of rage, my voice is stronger, and I am less afraid to challenge the status quo. However, I have also become more easily irritated, bad-tempered, and less tolerant of my nearest and dearest, and for a while, whilst the pendulum spun in the opposite direction, things were hard-going with my husband. Things are settling down, but I am not the person I was, and for those who are close to me and used to a very "nice, easy-going, tolerant" person, it has been hard at times. Mercifully, I have a wonderful husband who supports the process and accepts the slightly different me, but it may have been otherwise.
    Had anyone had a similar experience?
  2. Free of Fear

    Free of Fear Well known member

    I haven't personally but this makes so much sense to me. Awesome!
    Archie likes this.
  3. Sita

    Sita Well known member

    Hi, I'm really happy for you, this is great!

    Yes, I did! I started actually to be more like myself in the last month or 6 weeks to be exact. I used to be like that when I was a child, more assertive in a way and with a stronger voice, not so much a people-pleaser, now I'm more without fear nor judgment. I did not become more irritated inside or outside, this I did not experienced. I could say on the contrary I think I'm more calm and at peace with myself and others. I accept them as they are. My husband is very pleased about these changes and I'm very happy as well. Plus, the bonus is that I'm not in pain anymore as I used to be. I do feel my lower back more tense sometimes when I have stress in my life and there is even pain other times but everything is manageable these days. And I don't think about it, this is very very important!
  4. Archie

    Archie Peer Supporter

    Thankyou Sita, I am assuming that eventually my irritability will pass as more healing occurs - it really has been a very rocky road, but happily, a very positive one in the outcome. It is just amazing how much those repressed emotions can affect us in negative ways, and then when "found" , how much that process affects us in positive ways. :)
    Sita likes this.
  5. Sita

    Sita Well known member

    Yes yes, you are right! And it's so amazing what we can do. I, for instance, just have to keep my mind clean ... so to speak. No negative thoughts, never if possible. It's not easy, I have to admit. But is quite liberating to practice this. I'm building a new habit, a good one this time. Have a great day!
    Archie likes this.
  6. Free of Fear

    Free of Fear Well known member

    Congratulations too on reaching day 30 : )
  7. Archie

    Archie Peer Supporter

    ah yes, thankyou :)

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