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Day 12 and ding great

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by 0208mad, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. 0208mad

    0208mad Peer Supporter

    Well I am so very pleased to say I know I am getting better. I totally understand now that my repressed emotions are showing them self through pain.
    I feel like I'm starting to live again. I'm looking forward to each new day, it's so wonderful.
    My dream is to get off my meds, I hate putting these toxic tablets into my body. I have started to wean myself off, but so scared the pain will come back in force if I just stop completely. But I WILL GET OFF THESE TOXIC MEDS , Thanks for reading this.
  2. tgirl

    tgirl Well known member

    Congratulations. I am so happy to hear this.

    I started the SEP program but then stopped, not sure why. Maybe I should give it another whirl.

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