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Day 10 - the person I cant reveal feelings to

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Archie, Jun 16, 2018.

  1. Archie

    Archie Peer Supporter

    This was an interesting exercise and where I realised that my own healing should not necessarily be to the detriment to another. If I revealed my feelings to the person in mind, there is a very good chance they would be emotionally traumatised by it as we have a very strong bond, and all our life I have been in a supportive, nurturing, role. The person is emotionally fragile and even though there have been a number of instances over the years where I have "suffered in silence" in response to situations with them, the last thing I would want to do is risk upsetting them at a fundamental level. Nevertheless I have done some very helpful journaling, and am content to leave it at that. In contrast, there is another significant "player" who I will most definitely be revealing my feelings to, and the damage they caused me at a very young age - and which has had very difficult repercussions for me as I have grown older. None of this stuff is easy, but I hugely appreciate how important it is.

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