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Day 1

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Stephen, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. Stephen

    Stephen New Member

    Hello! First off I want to say that this program does work. It helped me get over lower back pain that I had over a constant 6 months time. I was going crazy trying anything to get better. Then I discovered Healing Back Pain and Dr. John Sarno. Weeks later I discovered the TMS wiki page and the Structured Education Program. I got to about Day 12 and started feeling better. It was a miracle I tell you! I was so happy! So here I am now, once again starting this program over because I have TMS and now I am dealing with frequent urination issues. I have gotten checked out and all results have come back normal. So now that I have peace of mind and I am ready to proceed with the SEP. I have been dealing with this issue after a very stressful situation about 3 months ago. I knew it was a TMS issue and I figured that maybe a easier and faster way to fix myself again would go and try Hypnosis. I figured that was a easier way to treat the subconscious mind. Lets just say it didn't work after 5 sessions and $1000 later. I went back to the clinic to get tested one last time just to make sure so I can go about treating this as a TMS issue. I have started feeling some improvement and less urgency, so there is some hope. So here I am, again, Day one! Lets do this!
    JanAtheCPA and ssxl4000 like this.
  2. ssxl4000

    ssxl4000 Well known member

    Great attitude! I hope the program helps you find some clarity and peace with your current stress.

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