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Day 1 Day 1 - pain in the back side

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Chaz1980, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. Chaz1980

    Chaz1980 New Member

    Here we go, I am diving in. Journaling starts tomorrow. I previously posted the below but in the wrong forum, anyone else relate?

    Long emotional chat with my wife today about the devil pain that has been ruining my life energy.

    Gym tomorrow as a big flip of the bird to my pain.

    Good luck everyone


    Hello all,

    I am gonna be honest this is all new to me and I am keen to utilise knowledge and skills to combat my dreaded pain. Here is a summary of who I am, my understanding and where I am at. Any user comments would be like gold to me.

    TMS experience - wife suffered severe back and Sciatic pain as a result of 1st child, but it fully recovered. Had operation and injection but still pain remained. Through management and help from experts in TMS she is now able to manage her pain and we have welcomed a 2nd bundle in to our family, now 8 weeks old.

    My TMS and background;
    Moved from childhood home town 18months ago to new location, new teaching role and obviously a new recent addition to our family. Summer 2016 Leg pain right hand side began and I put it down to a dodgy camp bed on holiday. Went to a Dr, Physio and chiropractor and began to read literature around TMS but dropped off as pain became minimal and returned to the business of work. Having had a long paternity leave over Christmas just gone, in the last two weeks have redeveloped sciatic pain in my right leg. My physical thinking puts this down to a gym session a week ago, however now believe this to be very much TMS related rather than physical as I am a phys ed teacher and also played five aside football on Friday (albeit with some varying leg pain.) I am about to go to the gym so how can this be a physical injury!?

    Previous pains - approx 3 years ago I went through periods of tennis and golfers Elbow pain despite not playing or using a repetitive action in my right Arm. As I reflect now I can't help but think this was the same and it's simply moved to my right leg.

    I have always been highly active and my current scenario is at its worst when I am walking. Yesterday I had to stop on regular occasions whilst walking home from a restaurant due to the pain. However, it is more manageable when I run...

    What are people's thoughts. Thanks for any help
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Chaz. It's great that your wife's pain went away after belief in TMS, or most of it did. Now it's your turn. I think one of the best proofs that your pain is from your emotions is that you feel less pain when you run, and more when you walk. You have been under some stressful life situations... moving... new job... second child. I suggest you do some journaling about your emotions. Try to learn why you are not happy or feeling well. When you are walking, or feel pain at any time, remind your subconscious that you know your pain is not structural but from your emotions.
    Chaz1980 likes this.
  3. K0440

    K0440 Newcomer

    Hi - I hope you don't mind me inquiring about your wife. I myself am starting the plan after having chronic pelvic pain after the birth of my first child. Is she on this forum? I would love to connect with her to chat a bit about her experience.

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