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Confused about "to journal or not to journal?"

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Luann, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. Luann

    Luann New Member

    Many practitioners recommend deep journaling.....
    Many practitioners say don't dig into the past - not journaling of the past
    How do you know which is the best approach with confirmed, believed TMS?
  2. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    As I see it, the purpose of journaling is to get some distance from your thoughts. Once you write them down on paper, you can then check to see if they're true and relevant to the present, or some autopilot script you're running from childhood. I'm then able to look at when it started, why, and what purpose it holds. This helps me with self-compassion as I realize that this thought pattern was started as a coping mechanism during a stressful childhood. Now that I can look at it as an adult who is no longer in that situation, I can choose to think and act differently.

    I think if all we do in our writing is disclose our current and past emotions without looking at the thoughts that keep them activated, where they come from and their purpose, it would be very depressing and not get anywhere. I usually start by looking at internal conflicts--I think/feel/want this but I SHOULD think/feel/want that.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    Journaling absolutely works for many people, but it isn't for everyone. Whatever helps you examine your inner self - as well as gain a better understanding of where you've been, where you're at currently, and where you want to go - will work. Give it a try, but don't pressure yourself to make it work simply because it can be successful for others. There are many paths leading toward mind-body healing.

    My journals have always consisted of short recollections of specific memories (e.g., funny stories from a crazy Friday night - certainly not mind-body related). While in the process of healing from my worst symptoms, I responded better to talk therapy as well as cognitive behavioral therapy. Talking out loud was very helpful in my case. At the same time, I also benefitted tremendously from posting on this forum, which is certainly an important form of writing - even if not in a personal journal.

    There are many options, hence the differing expert opinions. What does this mean for you? That you can rest assured that there is a path for you in mind-body healing, whether it includes journaling or not.
    Ellen and JanAtheCPA like this.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great responses from Ellen and Dorado. My version is what I call "writing shit down". I use old crappy notebook paper, fill up both sides with illegible handwriting (which can take a few or a number of days depending on what I need to get out) and then I throw it out. I learned from doing the SEP years ago that I was holding back and editing what I wrote down. Getting over that led to very freeing insights. Realizing I didn't have to keep anything I wrote really helped.

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