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Classic tms sign?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by stevow7, Nov 15, 2017.

  1. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    So since i have been feeling a lot better since i read dr sarnos and steve book, i started the gym again! and I'm extremely happy about it. but heres the thing, i herniated a disc doing deadlift and well right now I all exercises (run, barbell row, squats everything) but everytime i do deadlift i get lower back pain. But, every time i finish a set i have to admit that i kinda think if I'm OK (do i feel anything?) and while doing the exercise i do not feel anything, but after every set i do feel a bit of sore in the lower back. so after deadlifting i went to do other exercises and went for a walk with just a bit of spasm in my left side. i got home and was worried if the pain might come back and I started asking online where i should feel deadlift to make sure im doing it right. i posted videos of my form and people say im doing it alright, but i still have my doubts. so afte 2 hours now my left leg started to feel like a burning sensation and tingling. but no lower back pain now. classic tms? i started deadlifting 2 months ago and everytime i do it i get discomfort and scared if the pain comes back
  2. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    so today i woke up with soreness in the lower back and a bit of pain. i won't exercise today, and im thinking if i should tomorrow?
  3. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sweetheart, read some posts by @Baseball65. He's a fecking TMS warrior. His posts always 'gird up my loins'. ;)
    stevow7 likes this.

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