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Chronic Back Pain

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Mariposas, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. Mariposas

    Mariposas Newcomer

    I have had chronic back pain for almost 2 years. Six months ago I read Sarno's book and worked through a lot of Allan's wiki program over a 2 month period. Meanwhile I closed my business of 40 years. In 2 years I've tried "everything". I was discouraged by lack of results months back. But I am back at it, having just read "Back in Control" by David Hansom and plugging away at the great book "God Does Not Want You to Be In Pain" by Eric Watson and Walter Oleksy which is chock full of great tools. I know my decision in my youth to "achieve for love" and the enormous change of closing my business are at work. I need to participate in the support group, believe, and persevere.
  2. Lynn S

    Lynn S Peer Supporter

    Hi Mariposas. Glad you're back at it. Join me with knowing it's already happening for us not matter how it looks. We can just keep at it until we see it's manifestation.
  3. Mariposas

    Mariposas Newcomer

    Thank you Lynn. Have you experienced positive results?
  4. Lynn S

    Lynn S Peer Supporter

    I had improvement right after reading the book. I then stopped all treatment and medication. TMS continues to act up constantly causing me symptoms everywhere to keep it short. I was even in bed for a week and needed help to the bathroom. I've had a really hard road and to know this program is the answer for me. I still limited and have mobility issues that effect me more than my torn meniscus of ten weeks now. I'm committed to giving all that I have to this healing that begins from within. Like you, I closed my business after 15 years. I moved to Thailand to recoup. We only get what we can handle when we can handle it. I bet you're up for it.
  5. Mariposas

    Mariposas Newcomer

    It is interesting that you moved to Thailand. My daughter and her family have lived in Bangkok for 10 years. I visited them in February. (As well as visiting the acupuncturist and chiropractor there, to no avail of course.) Thank you for the encouragement. Thailand is beautiful; the people are friendly; the cost of living is good; and my 2 grandchildren are thriving there.
    Lynn S likes this.

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