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Can you do both?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by JoPale93, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. JoPale93

    JoPale93 New Member

    I’m curious if anyone on this amazing community has found a harmonious balance from two methods. Doing the inner work/confronting emotions, journalling, therapy, to EASE the tension of the mind & body, as well as did physical therapy?

    I know the main point of the diagnosis is to “look no further” and accept it as TMS and focus on physiological and not physical, but what if you actually have seen highly respected doctors/sports med who actually find problems in your biomechanics/muscles (one side stronger than other) (lack of range of motion vs another) (one muscle firing & another not) or does the TMS healing solve all of this? I totally believe tms is my twilight moment it’s just structurally it’s not just “pain” “somewhere on my back” it’s specific.

    From only a week my pain has went down, and I’m grateful to sarno for that one week of “healing” but if the body can’t physically do a movement it should? Then what?
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Always a good question, @JoPale93 - and welcome, by the way!

    I replaced Physical Therapy PT with Personal Training PT. In other words, keeping the whole body healthy, strong, and in tune. When my trainer challenged me to do things that I was afraid to do, I talked my way through them, made sure to breathe, and visualized oxygen pumping into my muscles, making them stronger. The result was instant, and almost miraculous. Now that kind of self-talk and breathing is second nature to me, and no matter how I feel on any given day, I always look forward to my training sessions instead of kind of dreading them. And sure, sometimes I'll do something that doesn't feel good at all - if it's scary pain, I'll back off, and we'll adjust and try something different. But I've endured all kinds of "pain" that I am willing to recognize is just my muscles doing something they aren't used to, and I work through it, without negative consequences - only positive ones.

    I do recommend working with someone who knows what they are doing. I keep working with someone, because it's the only way I will challenge myself. I'm still spending less than I used to spend on PTs, orthotics, devices, and weird-ass alternative practitioners of this and that.

  3. JoPale93

    JoPale93 New Member

    I’m a little confused on your response!
    Let’s say a certain exercise hurts me but it’s a normal exercise. Do I learn how to do it without pain? Do it do it lightly? Avoiding it doesn’t make sense. I want to be functional and stuff
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is exactly why I work with a qualified trainer. I'm a tax accountant, so I can't give personal advice not related to the U.S Internal Revenue Code :D - only to say that the goal is learning to know your body and trust your instincts.

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