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Can TMS journaling cause heart racing?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Booble, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, new to TMS and it makes 100% sense. I fit the profile of always feeling like I have to be perfect, be the best, keep everyone else happy, be successful, etc. I also have had varieties of symptoms through the years that I tend to dwell on. Have some current ones and noticed my muscles really tight in the areas of pain and these areas tend to stay for several months before switching around to somewhere else.
    My question is about journaling and bringing out unconscious anger. I am on day 2 with writing. Day 1 was great. I freewheeled it and got out a lot of stuff. Today is next day and I looked forward to doing again, focusing on anger. Well, I didn't get far. After writing some deep things I might be angry about my heart started pounding really hard and somewhat unsteadily. I quickly stopped. I felt safer with my symptoms. :(.
    Is this at all normal when you first get started? I know I have some repressed feelings but didn't realize anger was one of them.
  2. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Well known member

    Hey Booble!
    Yes, it is normal. Journaling can bring up some painful feelings. Especially if you're doing it right and it sounds like you are. Those feelings can raise your anxiety level and can stay with you throughout the day. It is scary. First, I want to say that it usually gets better as we start to process those feelings.

    Nichole Sachs recommends doing a self-compassion meditation for 10 minutes after journaling. We really want to get back to a feeling of safety. Feeling safe may be the most important thing.

    After journaling about some of the deepest, darkest crap in my life, how do I climb out that hole?
    I let it go and go live my life. Put one foot in front of the other.

    I can also change the trajectory of my thoughts:
    Thoughts create feelings. Thoughts create the story that plays in my head. Let the negative narrative go and change the story. For me, that means recognizing the good in the world. Focus on things like gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, love, and joy. I'm not a saint. But journaling actually helps me get to a place where I can recognize those things.

    That doesn't mean I won't have negative feelings anymore. Accept that unpleasant feelings (both physical and mental) are part of life. Don't fight and suppress them. Don't fear them or wallpaper over them. Acknowledge them ...then change the story.
    TG957 likes this.
  3. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks, Cap'n. I appreciate your thoughts.

    What seems to work best for me with journaling is having conversations with myself and sometimes I let "little Booble" or "teen Booble" talk (write) and that really gets out a lot.
    The day after the heart racing, rather than going back to "I'm angry about _____. I'm rageful about ____" I did more of a discovery, "Wow, that was strange. I didn't even know I was angry...." and then was able to get to the root of some anger issues in a more gentle, thought provoking way.

    I do feel a little conflicted or confused on if I'm supposed to allow the rage and release it or am I supposed to keep it and accept it?
    I've been drawing balloons that are released up into the atmosphere to send the rage and (associated muscle tightness) off.
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.

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