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Bad backs are a "bore" says the Prime Minister

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by yb44, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. yb44

    yb44 Beloved Grand Eagle

  2. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    David Cameron should get a clue.
    The man is an embarrassment but I take your point.
  3. Dr James Alexander

    Dr James Alexander TMS author and psychologist

    yes, well... apart from his virtues or otherwise as a PM, the man is suffering. I believe JFK suffered enormously from back pain as well, and was on a heavy regime of addictive pain killing injections. The pressures on these people must be huge- no wonder part of them goes pffft! Sadly, they keep on looking in all the wrong places. I'd be pretty confident of being able to help him, but will never get the chance. Lets be grateful we arent the PM of Britain or the President of America- we are free to access useful info without an army of 'helpful' physical therapists eager to impress.
  4. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    My words are not a lack of compassion. I feel for any soul who suffers and will always whisper a prayer for them. I will own a general weariness with politics and politicians. They are ever seeking solutions in the wrong places. You're a good man James.
  5. Dr James Alexander

    Dr James Alexander TMS author and psychologist

    no worries Plum- i know you well enough to know you are a person of the highest level of compassion for anyone's suffering, regardless of what they do for a living. I also share your weariness for politicians- if we leave saving the world up to them, we are seriously sunk!
  6. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Bless you sweetheart.
    Regarding politics, I favour something along the lines of Erich Fromm's council of experts. Are you familiar with that? I'd add one modification though, the war ministers must be mothers. I believe they would be inclined to hold their babies safe.
  7. Dr James Alexander

    Dr James Alexander TMS author and psychologist

    yep- great suggestion! Plum for PM
  8. yb44

    yb44 Beloved Grand Eagle

    The first thing that crossed my mind when reading the article was not so much the pressures of being PM but the death of Cameron's young son a few years ago.
  9. Dr James Alexander

    Dr James Alexander TMS author and psychologist

    yes- that would do it. I wasnt aware that had happened.
  10. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    James, imagine the mayhem.
    yb44, yes you're right. The Camerons lost their boy Ivan a few years ago. Surely the passing of one's child is the greatest trauma and certainly the biggest social wound. All the grooming-for-power in the world can never prepare a person for this.
  11. leonardo999

    leonardo999 Well known member

    I wish this back could have been boring...at least that sounds manageable.
    Regularly stuck on the floor for a week unable to even get to the bathroom... mmmm now boring just doesnt hit the spot.

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