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Are Bone Spurs in the spine TMS? PLEASE HELP

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by avik, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. avik

    avik Well known member

    I need to do whatever I can to stop a friend from getting back surgery...assuming I am correct in my assumption.

    Its actually my very close friend's dad who has all the typical back pain symptoms: Sciatica, leg numbness, tremendous back spasms.

    His surgeon has shown him an MRI with a bone spur that is supposedly sticking into his spine and pinching the nerve.

    Ive tried to get him to see Dr. Ira Rashbaum in NY but the dr. cannot see him until mid-November.

    What do I do?

    Can anyone point me to a success story regarding bone spurs of the spine/back??
  2. birdsetfree

    birdsetfree Well known member

    Bone spurs increase with age and are a common finding when screening for other reasons. Many people who have bone spurs don't have pain. If a nerve is being compressed continually it will produce numbness that the doctor will be able to manually test and not just experienced by the patient. Dr Sarno mentions in Healing Back Pain that there are several medical reports of large growths in the spine that often produce no pain.
    rmadera likes this.
  3. eightball776

    eightball776 Well known member

    I don't know much about the data/results, but I keep reading about athletes routinely having surgery to remove bone spurs like it's an obvious treatment. Is this really something that shows up suddenly & causes a bunch of debilitating symptoms? Does surgery actually fix the problem I wonder... Since my experience with TMS, I've noticed a lot of professional athletes who miss playing time or even have their careers ruined by "injuries" that are almost certainly TMS. Of course there is no universe within which a professional sports team or athlete would consider that symptoms could be coming from anything other than a mechanical/physical trauma. Even if they were convinced it was the case, they'd never admit it.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. mbo

    mbo Well known member

    You can try Dr. Gwozdz http://gwozdzmd.nfshost.com/ (Paul Gwozdz, M.D.)
    And no, bone spurs in the spine are not TMS but normal anatomic alterations (aging changes) that rarely cause pain.
    And yes, pain attibuted to bone spurs is mainly TMS, pain generated by our brain as protective and/or distractive strategy.

    Dorado likes this.
  5. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    I love this graphic - the pain is definitely TMS! TMS can make normal and harmless structural variations become painful when they need not be.

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