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Any perfectionists here?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by livelife2bepainfree, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. livelife2bepainfree

    livelife2bepainfree Peer Supporter

    There is so much information in our perfectionism.

    But when it comes to unwanted feelings and behaviours, most of us are ready to kill the messenger before they manage to give us the message.

    And that applies to other things we may wish to change about ourselves such as our impostor syndrome, anger, or anxiety.

    However, every behaviour has a positive intention.

    And until we haven't become aware of that positive intention and forgiven ourselves for adopting that behaviour, how can we move on to a more empowering behaviour?

    And we have to acknowledge that the limited behaviour may have worked sometimes in our lives. One day it used to be "optimal".

    I've put together a 6-step formula that will help you let go of your perfectionism through curiosity and compassion.

    Loving you, Angelos
    Looking for space likes this.
  2. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    Excellent! Have to read it 8 times for that info to sink in!
    livelife2bepainfree likes this.
  3. livelife2bepainfree

    livelife2bepainfree Peer Supporter

    Thank you my friend. I appreciate it!
    Looking for space likes this.
  4. Miller

    Miller Peer Supporter

    And until we haven't become aware of that positive intention and forgiven ourselves for adopting that behaviour, how can we move on to a more empowering behaviour?

    Your words above are EXACTLY what I struggle with... I absolutely understand intellectually that people make mistakes, adopt certain behaviours at the time because they're in survival mode etc. but it doesn't help me with those horrible feelings of guilt, regret and wondering how I could have been that person... it makes me feel damaged for want of a better word. Desperately want to move through it though!
    Looking for space likes this.
  5. Looking for space

    Looking for space Peer Supporter

    I think(i haven't succeeded yet )is that we have to be surrounded by positive people or find a way to stay built up no matter what those around us say!
  6. Titus Groan

    Titus Groan Peer Supporter

    I just came to this forum for the first time in months with the intention of posting a thread about perfectionism - one asking for advice. And the first thing I see is this thread!

    The pain in my body might be gone, but the anxiety I now experience as a result of perfectionism and fear of failure is crippling. I feel like it's destroying me and keeping me from moving forward in so many areas of life. Thank you for posting this.

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