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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by RikR, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. RikR

    RikR Well known member

    As I started working this program last week I thought I had processed all the rage from my early life. Last night at 2:00 am as I laid in bed in so much pain I wanted to jump up and scream and pound holes in the walls I realized I may be angry at my condition and lot in life.

    This condition has stolen everything I love to do, it has taken any possibility of a moments peace and being pain free, it makes work nearly impossible. We used to travel extensively and now I spend hours in bed suffering. I can hardly walk room to room much less hike, run, bike and all the things I love.

    I am also aware that my sensitive nervous system and anxiety has stolen most of my life and made everything difficult.

    Has anyone else become aware of this rage against the condition.

    And and could it be that this anger against the condition keeps it going...what to do?

    I know I need to write about it –anything else that you found helps.
  2. gailnyc

    gailnyc Well known member

    RikR, I felt a tremendous amount of rage against my pain when it first came last year. It left me feeling angry, helpless, depressed, anxious. But as I did the program and explored other emotions, that anger faded. Now I am confident I will eventually be better, so I am working on my patience. Maybe your anger will fade as you recover.
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Rik)- As I started working this program last week I thought I had processed all the rage from my early life. Last night at 2:00 am as I laid in bed in so much pain I wanted to jump up and scream and pound holes in the walls I realized I may be angry at my condition and lot in life.

    Eric)- hi rik nice to see you made it aboard
    sorry about the pain-it sounds terrible
    we have to realize the pain is trying to say something
    you are angry,and full of anxiety - we all are at the beginning stages of healing-we dont know why we had to be the ones to carry this load-we cant understand but in time as you learn to be patient through calmness and hope-do the program and believe,believe ,believe you will heal.

    Rik)- This condition has stolen everything I love to do, it has taken any possibility of a moments peace and being pain free, it makes work nearly impossible. We used to travel extensively and now I spend hours in bed suffering. I can hardly walk room to room much less hike, run, bike and all the things I love.

    Eric)- rik you can get it all back now-so rejoice

    Rik)- I am also aware that my sensitive nervous system and anxiety has stolen most of my life and made everything difficult.

    Eric)- you can learn to control your nervous system throuh meditations and affirmations
    again rejoice -you will have to get to all those repressions-face them-use acceptance and move forth.

    Rik)- Has anyone else become aware of this rage against the condition.

    And and could it be that this anger against the condition keeps it going...what to do?

    I know I need to write about it –anything else that you found helps.

    Eric)- were all aware of the rage against the condition-its not easy to fathom at first but when you start working the program-you will succeed-but you have to believe all the reminders i sent you and make sure to get healing back pain.i know its fibro but tms is universal,the name on the book is a name-it talks about how to rid the pain-thats how we do it- glad to see you here rik
  4. Pandamonium

    Pandamonium Well known member

    Yes RikR, I did have a lot of rage at times, first when I found about TMS I was angry because I had effectively done this to myself.
    Then, later, I was angry at times because I could see no way out and I didn't want to be distracted from my problems by TMS.
    I really sympathise with you as I was in your shoes at one time. Finally after months of raging, and after seeing my TMS doc I realised I needed to make peace with my TMS; I do believe that fighting against it fuels it in some way. Whereas if you see the pain as a messenger and make peace with it then it looses it's hold over you.
    Hope you feel better soon.

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