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Dr. Zafirides Anger: How Emotions Affect Your Body and Brain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Peter Zafirides, May 12, 2012.

  1. Peter Zafirides

    Peter Zafirides Physician

  2. quasar731

    quasar731 Well known member

  3. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    I liked how this article mentions that there are some positive aspects of anger. So many of us view anger as something that can only be negative, so we push it as far down as we can. This of course leads directly to PPD symptoms and a wide range of other issues. It is very important for people with PPD to understand the positive aspects of anger and how it can be beneficial in our lives. I'm a little curious if anyone has noticed how anger can be beneficial in their life?

    Thanks for posting this Dr. Z.
  4. yb44

    yb44 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Positive or negative, all depends on how we deal with or express this anger. If I were to make it known to someone that I am angry by explaining how I feel and what I would like to see happen without using blaming language, this would be positive. If I did use a more aggressive approach towards the other person, they could feel threatened or attacked and they would not be inclined to listen to what I had to say. This would heighten my anger. Expressed appropriately anger can be used to show someone the depth of your emotions and if the other person is truly receptive, a stronger connection or bond can be formed.

    When my kids were growing up I was an angry parent. I learned this behaviour from my own angry parent. Whereas my father could be physically violent, I just used to scream my head off. Did my kids listen? Did I form a positive bond with them? I'm fortunate they are actually still on speaking terms with me. My late father did realise the error of his ways very near to his death (and after several heart attacks, bi-pass surgery and various other medical conditions). He tried to tell me that anger, it just isn't worth it. He could see a lot of him in me, I guess.

    I like the part of the article where it mentions the transient interactions with strangers, people we will never see again, learning to question ourselves about the importance of these interactions and reframing a catastrophe into an unpleasant event. There was a time when I wouldn't let anything go. Now I impose limits. I let myself think about something for so long and if my thoughts become circular, I call time.
    Forest likes this.
  5. quasar731

    quasar731 Well known member

    Hi Forest,

    I would dearly appreciate if you could assist me with the two questions below.

    1) I was trying to send a message to Peg through the hyperlink on page 'one' (I think) where the TMS structure program begins. Though I was already signed in, I was taken to a page that I never came across before to sign up again. When I signed up with my user name (which I believe is Quasar731...?) and password, I was advised that both password and user name was not recognized...? I tried three times and then I proceeded to changed my password (thought that there was an issue with it) and same thing happened, it was not accepted. I gave up.

    2) If I want to send a message private to you or Peg or anyone in the forum, where it says reply, does that mean the message is read by everyone?

    Apology, I am still trying to get my head around this interface. I have not had too much time to spend to figure it out. I would dearly appreciate if you could explain or direct me to a link where I can get the configuration of the forum and what messages become public and which do not. Many thanks.

    Kind regards,

  6. Peter Zafirides

    Peter Zafirides Physician


    Often times, the anger we project at other people has nothing (or very little) to do with them.

    The more the emotion, the less it has to do with the immediate situation at hand.

    Remember, we really don't get angry AT others, we tend to get angry THROUGH them.

    -Dr Z.
    veronica73 likes this.
  7. Peter Zafirides

    Peter Zafirides Physician

    You're welcome. :)

    I am happy to know that you found some value in the article. I really thought it was quite appropriate give the nature of PPD.

    Dr. Z
  8. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think it is helpful to understand why we become angery at certain things. As Dr. Zafirides mentioned there are other issues going on when we are angry. Part of recovering of PPD is to understand the underlying emotions and why we have these emotions. Examining our anger and understanding it in the context Dr. Zafirides brought up will be very helpful.

    I love this idea. A lot of the issues that drive PPD is not letting something go and continuing to think about or obsess over something. If something really upsets us we can think about it for a bit, but at some point we need to move past it. It is very easy for us to dwell on events and issues, but this does the same thing our pain does...distract us from what is actually going on. If something frustrating happens, we can be upset about it and feel angry, but at some point we need to say, enough is enough and move on with our lifes.

    Quasar: I posted a response to your questions in the techinical support forum at How to Send a Private Message. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.


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