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A few quick questions...

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Skeleton Bob, Dec 7, 2017.

  1. Skeleton Bob

    Skeleton Bob New Member

    I just wanted to ask a few questions and see if they seem TMS is the answer.

    I find when I'm at home or out and I sit without back support, my back is fine. Also when I'm at home or out and I'm standing around, my back is fine. However when I'm at work if I sit without back support or stand around, then my back immediately becomes painful and stiff. Does this sound like TMS?

    If I have back pain at work, I find it very difficult not to focus on it. When I am fully engaged in something which requires all my concentration, I find my back pain is a lot better. It seems the longer I think about my back pain, the longer it goes on for. How can I stop thinking about my back pain though?

    I get a lot of heel pain from standing barefoot or in shoes without arch support. If I wear shoes with arch support, then I get pain in my leg. Is this TMS? If so has anyone else experience something like this, where you try and fix one pain, and it moves somewhere else?!

    Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, I have had these questions on my mind for a while, and I just wondered what other people thought. Thanks!
  2. Sita

    Sita Well known member

    "Does this sound like TMS?"
    Yes, it does!
    "How can I stop thinking about my back pain though?"
    Concentrate 100% on what you are doing at work that moment.
    "Is this TMS? If so has anyone else experience something like this, where you try and fix one pain, and it moves somewhere else?!"
    Yes. Yes, now I experience this quite often and it's a good sign. I'm happy about it.
    Lainey and plum like this.
  3. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is all common with TMS so hopefully you can derive some comfort from that. As for pain moving, this is a good sign!
    This is called the symptom imperative and it means you quite literally have TMS on the run. It moves to distract you, to keep you focused on the physical. It's very odd but virtually everyone here has experienced it at some point in recovery.

    Keep on keeping on.
    And yes, it's fine to post here or the Support Forum. These two get the most traffic and are more likely to be picked up by a TMS veteran :)
    Lainey likes this.
  4. Skeleton Bob

    Skeleton Bob New Member

    Thanks for your replies, I have been trying to concentrate more at work and less on my pain. It has been helping a bit. If I do get pain, I try not to worry about it and push it out of my mind. Or I just say to myself this is just TMS pain, it's nothing to worry about. That seems to be helping a little bit as well.
    Sita likes this.

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