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A different sort of success story

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Duggit, Feb 17, 2021.

  1. Duggit

    Duggit Well known member

    Below is a link to a personal success story that the writer attributes to PNE (short for pain neuroscience education). Lorimer Moseley instead calls it contemporary pain science--perhaps because many people with chronic pain find the word "neuroscience" scary and off-putting.

    On the surface, PNE might seem completely unrelated to what Sarno taught, but the cornerstone on which PNE is built is the same as what Sarno emphasized: The essential first step to recovery is to understand and accept that your chronic pain is NOT a marker of tissue damage, weakness, or other abnormality in your body part that hurts.

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/my-doctor-told-me-my-pain-was-all-in-my-head-it-ended-up-saving-me/ar-BB1dzzl6 (My Doctor Told Me My Pain Was All in My Head. It Ended Up Saving Me.)

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