An easy read, in a true/false myth-busting format. For example: meditation is not the same as mindfulness, but rather a formal practice of...
Hi there! Here comes the (success)story about my sleep problems and how I found a way to fix them, hoping that somebody with similar issues might...
Hi everyone, I have long covid since dec 2020. Alan’s book (the way out) helped me so much! I discovered this forum lately and the advices &...
Hello there - I've looked around the forum for a story similar to mine, but haven't found one that really fit, so here goes... In the early...
8 HOURS Burning Fireplace & Crackling Fire Sounds, Deep Sleep, Cozy Fireplace [MEDIA]
For those of you looking for free resources, Dr. David Hanscom announced this conference in his email newsletter today. It looks like a good fit...
i have had a pattern when i have less sleep, my pain flares-up frequently why does this happen?
Wondering if anyone who has gone thru the healing process has experienced something like this? Namely more "minor" symptoms (tinnitus, frequent...
I haven't been on TMS wiki for a long time. I've been doing well minus a few hiccups caused by some stresses. Maybe what I have been experiencing...
I had tried meditation repeatedly over several years knowing instinctively that it would be beneficial to me, but I could never enjoy it. I would...
Hi Everyone, My name is Christie and I have been on a health journey for 8 plus years now. I got diagnosed with chronic daily migraines but after...
Well, I’ve been at this for a bit and do see the pain for what it is, a product of my brain. It’s been up and down of course and I strive to calm...
Done a lot of reading, listening and talking about TMS both from Sarno, Schubiner and Gordon's books and from the Curable groups program. I've...
I’d been suffering fragmented sleep for a couple of months and couldn’t see an end to it. I would go to sleep and suddenly wake up after only two...
Can sleep apnea be caused by TMS?
I am wondering if anyone wakes up with more muscle tension in the morning than when going to bed? It’s mostly in my calves, upper leg/hip and...
I would love some guidance about a troubling part of my TMS. I often manifest symptoms while I sleep. They wake me up and leave me scared, which...
After reading “Heeling Back Pain” last week I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I finally knew what was causing my Pelvic and...
This is somewhat off-point however I realize a few here live with sleep apnea. I was diagnosed quite a while prior to have mild sleep apnea that...
I have a hard time controlling it period, I try to calm myself down my my mind is racing yet sleepy and everything just snowballs into some of the...
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