Quick question: is hip dysplasia TMS? Or rather: does it necessarily cause pain? Would love to hear your experiences/thoughts!
I am a health care worker who healed from over 15 hears of chronic hip and back pain. My recovery was not linear, but marked by many peaks and...
Hey everyone, First off, like so many others out there, I've had TMS symptoms my entire life. I remember the chronic ear infections and allergies...
First, I'll go over how I overcame severe back and leg pain after two failed back surgeries with the help of Dr. Sarno's books and Dr. Eisendorf's...
Hello! I have recently begun learning about TMS/MBS and was hoping to find some advice from others since I currently am having some difficulty...
Resume: left hip pain 4 months, then back pain 1 month, then wrist pain 2 weeks, then 5 months of anxiety. After that i was cured completely it...
Hello hello, Here I am again, I have recently posted about a pain relapse but I am starting a new one since it's a new thing (yay!). So I am a...
I posted this in a smaller conversation. I post it here, because I have learned a couple of things. First of all, everything is and isn't TMS. One...
Hello has anyone eyperience with hip impingement ? I got 2 small bones in both hip which results in limitied range of motion, also i got pain in...
Hello there - I've looked around the forum for a story similar to mine, but haven't found one that really fit, so here goes... In the early...
Hey al - so starting about a year or two ago I started noticing increasingly painful hip pain and tightness in the hip flexor and even shooting...
I'm sure there are countless threads on here about hip pain if I go searching, but I wanted to throw this out there since this is a new one for...
I have read two of Dr Sarnos books but can’t recall what he says about hip labral tear pain? Maybe someone can help me out. Can you overcome this...
--- Summary --- What's greater than the gift of health? I went from being a person who felt like there was something wrong with their body ......
I don't know the precise sequence of all of ZZ Top's Dusty Hill's medical conditions leading up to his death a few days ago, but I was aware of...
Hello, I know that I have had TMS in the past (a few years back I completely “recovered” from back pain after finding Dr.Sarno, and last year...
Hi all. Looking for some insight. I’m fairly new to the forum but not TMS. Let me start by saying I have suffered from health anxiety since I was...
Thank you for reading this post; hope this message finds all of you well. I had a random miss-step in the gym five years ago that left me with...
I am wondering if anyone wakes up with more muscle tension in the morning than when going to bed? It’s mostly in my calves, upper leg/hip and...
Thank you all so much for operating this web site and for promoting the work of Doctor Sarno and the writers and practitioners who have followed...
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