Hi, New here, hoping to find some answers while waiting for scan results. About 2 1/2 months ago I was having a break at work, moved to get up and...
Writing this at the end. What follows is a word vomit. I'm kind of in a hurry but I really want to get this out. If it's not up to standard please...
Hi everyone, I am not new to mind/body symptoms, even my doctor knows this. I have rid myself of symptoms that after much testing showed no...
Has anyone experienced little pain but arm/shoulder weakness that they ultimately attributed to TMS and if so did the strength return ? Thanks
Hi all. I was wondering if any of you had something similar to my situation. I was walking outside at a faster pace, and as I was moving my arms...
Ive posted in the past here about a recurring TMJ issue. Well that has calmed down mostly. Im currently struggling with what appears to be a...
I am struggling with doubt and just making heads or tales of what is happening. I have been running for two weeks and yesterday had a big flair...
Hi guys, Ive known about TMS for a while now, it even helped me very rapidly cure back pain 6 years ago. 4 years ago I had two accidents, both...
Hello everyone, Does anyone have an eye pressure/pain in one eye as a part of TMS. Mine started about 8 years ago, on an off, sometimes on and...
I have been diagnosed with tendonitis of the forearm. My two main symptoms are general weakness of the forearm, and pain in the forearm. I believe...
Hi there, Just posting this because I really don't know what to do and am a bit worried. This time last week I was working out at the gym and had...
Hi guys! I read a similar post down below about nerve pain in arm, but preferred to write my own so as to get some insight into what you might...
Hi! I am new to the forum and to the whole idea of tms. I had a blood draw in January and got hit in one of the nerves in my arm (probably ulnar...
Separate names with a comma.