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Jul 23, 2016
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Grocery Clerk

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New Member, Female, from California

Doing better already! Mar 26, 2016

TJuerg was last seen:
Jul 23, 2016
  • My Story

    Hi all. I'm new here, so please bear with me if I get something wrong.

    I've been literally years bogged down with back pain, upper and lower, and shoulder pain. The last few weeks, I have been bed-ridden, afraid that I will lose my job, never be able to surf again, etc. I was getting desperate, so asked in a vaping forum if anyone had had luck with vaping marijuana for back pain. Well, I got the usual responses back but also one suggesting Dr Sarno's book as it completely cured this person back pain. So here I am.

    I am a strong Christian person, so I read Walt's book first, God Doesn't Want You to be in Pain, or something like that, sorry Walt. And after two days, I am up out of bed, acknowledging my anger, and telling my brain to just Quit it, I don't need you anymore! I took a walk around the block today. Just amazing.

    As I said, I am incorporating the Christian side of things. I love to study the Bible, and for a week or so, I've been studying Romans 8. I came across this verse, and I think it speaks to the things we are learning here: " The mind set on the flesh [body] is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace." These are the little things that God is showing me that is confirming that I am on the right track!

    Thanks in advance for you all's support!
    1. TJuerg
      Doing better already!
      1. giantsfan likes this.
      2. giantsfan
        Alright! Make sure to write down your successes in an evidence sheet/exception list.
        Mar 26, 2016
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  • My Story

    Grocery Clerk
    Scoliosis, herniated discs, degenerating discs.
    Hi all. I'm new here, so please bear with me if I get something wrong.

    I've been literally years bogged down with back pain, upper and lower, and shoulder pain. The last few weeks, I have been bed-ridden, afraid that I will lose my job, never be able to surf again, etc. I was getting desperate, so asked in a vaping forum if anyone had had luck with vaping marijuana for back pain. Well, I got the usual responses back but also one suggesting Dr Sarno's book as it completely cured this person back pain. So here I am.

    I am a strong Christian person, so I read Walt's book first, God Doesn't Want You to be in Pain, or something like that, sorry Walt. And after two days, I am up out of bed, acknowledging my anger, and telling my brain to just Quit it, I don't need you anymore! I took a walk around the block today. Just amazing.

    As I said, I am incorporating the Christian side of things. I love to study the Bible, and for a week or so, I've been studying Romans 8. I came across this verse, and I think it speaks to the things we are learning here: " The mind set on the flesh [body] is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace." These are the little things that God is showing me that is confirming that I am on the right track!

    Thanks in advance for you all's support!