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Last Activity:
Aug 29, 2024
Oct 21, 2023
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South Korea, Anyang
University student

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Newcomer, Female, from South Korea, Anyang

Simmon was last seen:
Aug 29, 2024
  • My Story

    In 2022, i felt back pain when i bent my back to wash my face. After 3 months, i felt leg pain for the first time. At that time, i was just sitting on a chair. So i thought something bad happened and went to an hospital. MRI image showed that there was a degenerative bulged disc even though i was just 22 year old. Doctor told me this wasn't that serious and just take a rest taking a medicine. Unlike his advice, my pain got worse. So i got some steroid injection several times. But it didn't work. I felt pain for 24 hour even though i lied abed. So i went to other doctor and he said i felt pain because inside of the degenerative disc was problem. It's called "IDD(Internal Disc Degenerative)". He suggested me Neuroplasty to get rid of inflammation in the disc. So i got that procedure. It didn't reduce my pain at all. So i frustrated and found another famous doctor who can treat IDD. The doctor told me endoscopic surgery can only reduce my pain. At that time, i also knew that back surgery should be the last option to choose and non-surgical treatment was way better. But i just wanted to get rid of that horrible pain even by surgical way. So i decided to get surgery. Unfortunately, even surgery, the last option at that time, didn't work at all and made my symptoms more complex. Literally, i just wanted to die because nothing could reduce my pain. Few month after surgery, i read some book about Neuroplasticity. Then, i could get some hope that i could go back to daily life thanks to Neuroplasticity. I really wanna go back to my life without back pain!
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  • My Story

    South Korea, Anyang
    University student
    Chronic low back pain, neuropathy
    In 2022, i felt back pain when i bent my back to wash my face. After 3 months, i felt leg pain for the first time. At that time, i was just sitting on a chair. So i thought something bad happened and went to an hospital. MRI image showed that there was a degenerative bulged disc even though i was just 22 year old. Doctor told me this wasn't that serious and just take a rest taking a medicine. Unlike his advice, my pain got worse. So i got some steroid injection several times. But it didn't work. I felt pain for 24 hour even though i lied abed. So i went to other doctor and he said i felt pain because inside of the degenerative disc was problem. It's called "IDD(Internal Disc Degenerative)". He suggested me Neuroplasty to get rid of inflammation in the disc. So i got that procedure. It didn't reduce my pain at all. So i frustrated and found another famous doctor who can treat IDD. The doctor told me endoscopic surgery can only reduce my pain. At that time, i also knew that back surgery should be the last option to choose and non-surgical treatment was way better. But i just wanted to get rid of that horrible pain even by surgical way. So i decided to get surgery. Unfortunately, even surgery, the last option at that time, didn't work at all and made my symptoms more complex. Literally, i just wanted to die because nothing could reduce my pain. Few month after surgery, i read some book about Neuroplasticity. Then, i could get some hope that i could go back to daily life thanks to Neuroplasticity. I really wanna go back to my life without back pain!