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Mar 14, 2019
Jul 30, 2016
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Oct 23, 1985 (Age: 38)
Central Oregon
Self Employed

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Peer Supporter, Female, 38, from Central Oregon

Roxygirl577 was last seen:
Mar 14, 2019
  • My Story

    I believe I have suffered from TMS since I was 5 years old. One of my first real memories was a panic attack that was so severe, my parents rushed me to the hospital and they put me on anti-depressants. As a child I suffered from night terrors, major OCD, anxiety & depression. In my teens, my symptoms became physical. After I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I suffered from nerve damage to my mouth and face that lasted over a year, turned to extreme pain and TMJ. Progressively my jaw fused together and I had to endure three surgeries for a total jaw replacement. That surgery led to complications such as Bell's Palsy and more pain. During this time I suffered the most pain in my neck and shoulders. I was told it was because of my jaw and nothing could be done, although I still tried many therapies (massages, chiropractic, acupuncture, prolotherapy, reiki, exercise, etc) The pain got so severe that I had decided to end my life in the next coming months. I remember one day thinking I would do one last google search to see if anyone had any answers. That's when I came across someone's blog about a Doctor named Sarno...that was the day that changed my life forever. I read all of his books in less than two weeks, saw myself on every page, and journaled for the next two months. All of my pain had disappeared. It happened so gradually, I almost forgot what it felt like to have it in the first pain. I knew from then on out, that this was the real deal.

    Fast forward years later, I have suffered through much emotional trauma that I know I have not dealt with properly. I have relapsed and now suffer from low back pain, coccydynia, migraines and general anxiety, fatigue, etc..)

    I am now here to heal myself again and hopefully be a part of this community where we all have one thing in common, our appreciation for the good doc!
    1. richard13
      Hey Roxygirl577, Hope your recovery story has been going well in the years since you posted here. Came upon your post while doing a search to share some TMS info with a fellow traveler whose mother suffers from Bell's Palsy. Hope my well wishes make it your way
    2. Chandra B
      Chandra B
      I saw in one of your post about red and veiny eyes. I have resolved a plethora of my symptoms but this red veins of the eye is not going away and its almost 4 week. It was diagnosed as Episcleritis. I just want some assurance that my veins will disappear. I haven't found many post regarding this eye issue.

      Many Thanks
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  • My Story

    Oct 23, 1985 (Age: 38)
    Central Oregon
    Self Employed
    I believe I have suffered from TMS since I was 5 years old. One of my first real memories was a panic attack that was so severe, my parents rushed me to the hospital and they put me on anti-depressants. As a child I suffered from night terrors, major OCD, anxiety & depression. In my teens, my symptoms became physical. After I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I suffered from nerve damage to my mouth and face that lasted over a year, turned to extreme pain and TMJ. Progressively my jaw fused together and I had to endure three surgeries for a total jaw replacement. That surgery led to complications such as Bell's Palsy and more pain. During this time I suffered the most pain in my neck and shoulders. I was told it was because of my jaw and nothing could be done, although I still tried many therapies (massages, chiropractic, acupuncture, prolotherapy, reiki, exercise, etc) The pain got so severe that I had decided to end my life in the next coming months. I remember one day thinking I would do one last google search to see if anyone had any answers. That's when I came across someone's blog about a Doctor named Sarno...that was the day that changed my life forever. I read all of his books in less than two weeks, saw myself on every page, and journaled for the next two months. All of my pain had disappeared. It happened so gradually, I almost forgot what it felt like to have it in the first pain. I knew from then on out, that this was the real deal.

    Fast forward years later, I have suffered through much emotional trauma that I know I have not dealt with properly. I have relapsed and now suffer from low back pain, coccydynia, migraines and general anxiety, fatigue, etc..)

    I am now here to heal myself again and hopefully be a part of this community where we all have one thing in common, our appreciation for the good doc!