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Following 1
- Gender:
- Female
- Home Page:
- http://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk
- Location:
- Southampton. UK
- Occupation:
- TMS therapist, researcher, writer
My Story
I grew up in a normal(ly dysfunctional) family the youngest of 2 (turned out my father had another son but I wasn't told that til in my teens). I lost my father suddenly a long illness when I was 19, on the first day of term of university. I didn't deal with it then at all, as I had no idea how to deal with it other than to carry on working. I drove myself into the ground really, on the outside being successful and confident but underneath feeling pretty lost. I pinned my hopes on science to save me. studying for various qualifications until I became a health researcher for a local university.
After a series of health challenges in my 30’s, including depression and chronic fatigue, to which conventional medicine had no answer, I was encouraged to find my own and am now a passionate advocate of natural medicine. Today, I is a holistic therapist who specialises in chronic illness especially ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.
Initially studying Nutritional Medicine at Surrey University and then Advanced Clinical Massage (ACM) at the Jing Institute, Brighton I began to confidently treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.
However, “something was missing… clients were coming to me with complex multi-factorial disease for which physical therapy was not enough. I recognised that there is an emotional component to disease which is often not addressed”. I decided to extend her knowledge with psychotherapy specifically studying cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy and trauma release.
She is now a specialist using Hypnotherapy EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing and Emotional Freedom Technique (EEFT) which form a powerful armoury for treatment of bad habits, addictions, and chronic pain. In addition, I am a certified NLP Practitioner and Chrysalis Effect Wellbeing Coach specialising in Chronic Fatigue Syndromes such as ME and Fibromyalgia. I head a team of local practitioners who offer a package of treatment which ensures continuity of care and great results for supposedly 'incurable' conditions for which the only conventional answer is management, usually via surgery and pharmaceuticals.
I have written articles for local health magazines, write a regular blog on health and wellbeing issues (healthwarrior), have co-authored an online health programme for Intelligent Health Solutions and contributed to a report to the UK's National health Service (NHS) ‘ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia Online Recovery Programme Supporting Recovery for All’ presented to The UK Government in February 2014 and a wellbeing seminar ‘Hidden Anxiety’ for the Chrysalis Effect. I am now concentrating on her writing my book on Everyday Trauma and have recently begun a PhD in medical/clinical hypnotherapy for trauma and chronic pain.
- Patricia Worby BSc, MSc, ACMT, HPD, PhD candidate
- Owner / Manager of Alchemy Therapies
- Member of the International College of Holistic Medicine (ICHM)
- General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)
- ILM-certified Wellbeing coach
- Chrysalis Effect Practitioner (specialist Fibro/CFS recovery)
- NLP Practitioner
- HPD qualified Clinical hypnotherapist specialising in trauma release using EFT/EMDR
- Speaker and presenter
- Author of ‘healthwarrior’ blog on Blogspot
- Passionate advocate of health and wellbeing
- Gardener and environmentalist
- Patricia Worby BSc, MSc, ACMT, HPD, PhD candidate
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My Story
- Gender:
- Female
- Home Page:
- http://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk
- Location:
- Southampton. UK
- Occupation:
- TMS therapist, researcher, writer
- Diagnoses:
- Chronic Fatigue, TMJ, Anxiety, Depression, neck pain, RSI (wrist - carpal tunnel syndrome)
I grew up in a normal(ly dysfunctional) family the youngest of 2 (turned out my father had another son but I wasn't told that til in my teens). I lost my father suddenly a long illness when I was 19, on the first day of term of university. I didn't deal with it then at all, as I had no idea how to deal with it other than to carry on working. I drove myself into the ground really, on the outside being successful and confident but underneath feeling pretty lost. I pinned my hopes on science to save me. studying for various qualifications until I became a health researcher for a local university.
After a series of health challenges in my 30’s, including depression and chronic fatigue, to which conventional medicine had no answer, I was encouraged to find my own and am now a passionate advocate of natural medicine. Today, I is a holistic therapist who specialises in chronic illness especially ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.
Initially studying Nutritional Medicine at Surrey University and then Advanced Clinical Massage (ACM) at the Jing Institute, Brighton I began to confidently treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.
However, “something was missing… clients were coming to me with complex multi-factorial disease for which physical therapy was not enough. I recognised that there is an emotional component to disease which is often not addressed”. I decided to extend her knowledge with psychotherapy specifically studying cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy and trauma release.
She is now a specialist using Hypnotherapy EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing and Emotional Freedom Technique (EEFT) which form a powerful armoury for treatment of bad habits, addictions, and chronic pain. In addition, I am a certified NLP Practitioner and Chrysalis Effect Wellbeing Coach specialising in Chronic Fatigue Syndromes such as ME and Fibromyalgia. I head a team of local practitioners who offer a package of treatment which ensures continuity of care and great results for supposedly 'incurable' conditions for which the only conventional answer is management, usually via surgery and pharmaceuticals.
I have written articles for local health magazines, write a regular blog on health and wellbeing issues (healthwarrior), have co-authored an online health programme for Intelligent Health Solutions and contributed to a report to the UK's National health Service (NHS) ‘ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia Online Recovery Programme Supporting Recovery for All’ presented to The UK Government in February 2014 and a wellbeing seminar ‘Hidden Anxiety’ for the Chrysalis Effect. I am now concentrating on her writing my book on Everyday Trauma and have recently begun a PhD in medical/clinical hypnotherapy for trauma and chronic pain.
- Patricia Worby BSc, MSc, ACMT, HPD, PhD candidate
- Owner / Manager of Alchemy Therapies
- Member of the International College of Holistic Medicine (ICHM)
- General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)
- ILM-certified Wellbeing coach
- Chrysalis Effect Practitioner (specialist Fibro/CFS recovery)
- NLP Practitioner
- HPD qualified Clinical hypnotherapist specialising in trauma release using EFT/EMDR
- Speaker and presenter
- Author of ‘healthwarrior’ blog on Blogspot
- Passionate advocate of health and wellbeing
- Gardener and environmentalist