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Last Activity:
Jul 25, 2016
Jul 22, 2016
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Spokane Valley

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Newcomer, Female, from Spokane Valley

Pixels was last seen:
Jul 25, 2016
  • My Story

    Dxed with fibromyalgia (2002) after an emotionally traumatic event, the rest came within a year after.

    In Oct 2013 started my healing journey and is still ongoing. Weaned off all pain meds/patches etc by end of Nov 2013.

    I've been around the "spirituality/healing" block and have been getting back to myself as of last Nov. This year, 2016, has me going deeper within my self and more emotional healing...the layers.

    Yesterday I found out about tms, bought Divided Mind, and love that I've been doing this on my own, tho am seeing where I can make changes to help me further my healing. Especially the logical/rational mind I'm now seeing isn't the best way when processing emotions.

    I've come a long way and allow life to unfold me by surrendering and trusting that I'm loved and supported at all times, in all ways; and, of course, by loving myself which was the hardest part lol.

    Thank you for this forum and I look forward to going deeper into my emotions and reading y'alls posts.
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  • My Story

    Spokane Valley
    Fibromyalgia, carpel tunnel, plantar fasciitis on my disability papers.
    Dxed with fibromyalgia (2002) after an emotionally traumatic event, the rest came within a year after.

    In Oct 2013 started my healing journey and is still ongoing. Weaned off all pain meds/patches etc by end of Nov 2013.

    I've been around the "spirituality/healing" block and have been getting back to myself as of last Nov. This year, 2016, has me going deeper within my self and more emotional healing...the layers.

    Yesterday I found out about tms, bought Divided Mind, and love that I've been doing this on my own, tho am seeing where I can make changes to help me further my healing. Especially the logical/rational mind I'm now seeing isn't the best way when processing emotions.

    I've come a long way and allow life to unfold me by surrendering and trusting that I'm loved and supported at all times, in all ways; and, of course, by loving myself which was the hardest part lol.

    Thank you for this forum and I look forward to going deeper into my emotions and reading y'alls posts.