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Pietro Carloni
Last Activity:
Oct 19, 2023
Feb 20, 2018
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Pietro Carloni

Peer Supporter, Male, from roma

Pietro Carloni was last seen:
Oct 19, 2023
  • My Story

    January 2017: Sciatalgia left side. therapy with injections of muscle relaxant + diclofenac
    March 2017: Operation left inguinal hernia
    April 2017: Start postural trainig
    May 2017: Begin discomfort right leg postural training
    Mid-Jun 2017. From sitting to work I start to feel stinging pain in the buttock and right leg + tingling along the side of the leg and an apparent lack of strength; physician prescribes RX lumbar spine + anti-inflammatory
    End Jun 2017. Pain persists despite pharmacological treatment. physician prescribes magnetic resonance imaging
    July 2017. o Blood + urine analysis. Specialist physiatric visit. Start of the discomfort also in the left leg; Neurosurgeon visit that excludes the possibility of operation and suggests physiotherapy rehabilitation combined with anti-inflammatory drugs
    August 2017 Pain persists after 10 physiotherapy sessions (tecar + laser + tens + back massage) performed every day for two weeks; Orthopedic specialist examination that does not show loss of strength and sensitivity to the leg; as he had seen the resonance he excludes that the situation could depend on a vertebral issue. start therapy 5000 mg B12- 1 injection per week; Second physiatric visit claims to have stressed the part too much, it puts me to rest and suggests the purchase of a bust to wear standing up
    September 2017 o Start trigger point therapy. Results zero. The myofascial massage, particularly painful, would seem to further inflame the part. Mobilizations and Tecar not effective with widespread leg pain after treatment for 48/72h; Start shockwave treatment for plantar fascists that could create postural imbalances. Pain sensations at the foot / calf level up to 48/72 h from the treatment.
    October 2017 2nd orthopedic visit whose diagnosis is: "Sciatic neuralgia on right myofascial syndrome of the piriformis and gluteus medius rotation in the right emipelvi on irritative stimulation emipelvi sx for painful scar with painful ileopsoas. All in postural disturbance. "Recommend RX in orthostasis (which shows a counterclockwise rotation of the pelvis with dysmetria of the right limb of 0.9 cm), orthoses with a rise on the right foot and a physiotherapy cycle.
    November 2017. Start physiotherapy and start walking with the orthotics. December 2017. Wearing orthotics i felt pain in plantar zone (sesamoid) and recrudescence of sciatica to the left side.
    January 2017: Beginning of night pains of ischio crural and calf. Bilateral Sciatalgia. Plantar fasciitis. Sleep problems. When i wake up my legs was painful and stiff. While sitting at work bothering the buttocks and the biceps of the femur. I perform EMG and ENG lower limbs that reveal mild bilateral neurological distress
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  • My Story

    l4/l5 disc protrusion
    January 2017: Sciatalgia left side. therapy with injections of muscle relaxant + diclofenac
    March 2017: Operation left inguinal hernia
    April 2017: Start postural trainig
    May 2017: Begin discomfort right leg postural training
    Mid-Jun 2017. From sitting to work I start to feel stinging pain in the buttock and right leg + tingling along the side of the leg and an apparent lack of strength; physician prescribes RX lumbar spine + anti-inflammatory
    End Jun 2017. Pain persists despite pharmacological treatment. physician prescribes magnetic resonance imaging
    July 2017. o Blood + urine analysis. Specialist physiatric visit. Start of the discomfort also in the left leg; Neurosurgeon visit that excludes the possibility of operation and suggests physiotherapy rehabilitation combined with anti-inflammatory drugs
    August 2017 Pain persists after 10 physiotherapy sessions (tecar + laser + tens + back massage) performed every day for two weeks; Orthopedic specialist examination that does not show loss of strength and sensitivity to the leg; as he had seen the resonance he excludes that the situation could depend on a vertebral issue. start therapy 5000 mg B12- 1 injection per week; Second physiatric visit claims to have stressed the part too much, it puts me to rest and suggests the purchase of a bust to wear standing up
    September 2017 o Start trigger point therapy. Results zero. The myofascial massage, particularly painful, would seem to further inflame the part. Mobilizations and Tecar not effective with widespread leg pain after treatment for 48/72h; Start shockwave treatment for plantar fascists that could create postural imbalances. Pain sensations at the foot / calf level up to 48/72 h from the treatment.
    October 2017 2nd orthopedic visit whose diagnosis is: "Sciatic neuralgia on right myofascial syndrome of the piriformis and gluteus medius rotation in the right emipelvi on irritative stimulation emipelvi sx for painful scar with painful ileopsoas. All in postural disturbance. "Recommend RX in orthostasis (which shows a counterclockwise rotation of the pelvis with dysmetria of the right limb of 0.9 cm), orthoses with a rise on the right foot and a physiotherapy cycle.
    November 2017. Start physiotherapy and start walking with the orthotics. December 2017. Wearing orthotics i felt pain in plantar zone (sesamoid) and recrudescence of sciatica to the left side.
    January 2017: Beginning of night pains of ischio crural and calf. Bilateral Sciatalgia. Plantar fasciitis. Sleep problems. When i wake up my legs was painful and stiff. While sitting at work bothering the buttocks and the biceps of the femur. I perform EMG and ENG lower limbs that reveal mild bilateral neurological distress