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Nov 26, 2017
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Newcomer, Female

lily413 was last seen:
Nov 26, 2017
  • My Story

    My TMS journey began 6 years ago when I started having low back, coccyx pain and severe anxiety, all starting for the first time ever within a week of each other. I had had an intensely stressful time at work and my personal life was not going well.

    I still have the coccyx pain and have been told by a chiropractor that my coccyx is misigned and not very flexible, causing pain when I sit.

    The low back pain stuck around on and off for a couple of years. During this time I saw a number of chiropractors. Each time I saw a new one the pain improved for a short while, then recurred.

    During pregnancy I started to get very sore ribs, to the point where I couldn't sleep on my side, and 18 months post partum the pain hasn't improved at all. I have had little to no lower back pain since the start of my rib pain. I am told by my GP that he would expect the rib pain to have gone by now. He thinks I probably have fibromyalgia. My chiropractor says it's the muscles and nerves between my ribs causing the pain.

    I have read The Mindbody Prescription and so much of it resonates with me. I am looking forward to getting started on the program!
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  • My Story

    My TMS journey began 6 years ago when I started having low back, coccyx pain and severe anxiety, all starting for the first time ever within a week of each other. I had had an intensely stressful time at work and my personal life was not going well.

    I still have the coccyx pain and have been told by a chiropractor that my coccyx is misigned and not very flexible, causing pain when I sit.

    The low back pain stuck around on and off for a couple of years. During this time I saw a number of chiropractors. Each time I saw a new one the pain improved for a short while, then recurred.

    During pregnancy I started to get very sore ribs, to the point where I couldn't sleep on my side, and 18 months post partum the pain hasn't improved at all. I have had little to no lower back pain since the start of my rib pain. I am told by my GP that he would expect the rib pain to have gone by now. He thinks I probably have fibromyalgia. My chiropractor says it's the muscles and nerves between my ribs causing the pain.

    I have read The Mindbody Prescription and so much of it resonates with me. I am looking forward to getting started on the program!