1. Our TMS drop-in chat is today (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM DST Eastern U.S. (New York). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support. Bonnard is today's host. Click here for more info or just look for the red flag on the menu bar at 3pm Eastern.
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  2. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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Aug 8, 2015
Sep 23, 2012
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Art Educator

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Well known member, Female

"I move forward in life with joy and ease." -Louise Hay Oct 6, 2012

Lala was last seen:
Aug 8, 2015
  • My Story

    I am a 41 year old artist and art educator. I am married with a 2.5 year old son and a full time teaching job. In 2001 (I was single at the time), after two surgeries for thyroid cancer, I started experiencing pain in my feet, hands and lower back. I was initially diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. I proceeded to see every type of doctor and healer....orthopedist, podiatrist, neurologist, acupuncturist, massage therapy, shots, chiropractic, chinese medicine. Nothing worked. A neurologist, in 2002, diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and put me on anti-depressants. The meds actually made me feel better...this was the first clue that perhaps the pain was originating in my brain. In the fall of 2003 I read (and read and read and read) Sarno's Mindbody Prescription and went back into therapy. Within 3 months I was completely pain free. In the 9 years since I have had other health issues (allergic reactions, chronic sinusitus, and shoulder pain), each time i recognized them as TMS and treated them as such, and once again experienced fast healing. In August of this year I started getting plantar fasciitis (foot) pain again. At first I attributed it to wearing flip flops...but then I realized I was back to TMS again. So here I am on this forum, back in therapy, journaling, and hoping that this time I can make it stick and break the cycle of TMS symptoms once and for all. I started about 3 weeks ago and there have been ups/downs in pain, but there has been overall improvement. I definitely feel as though I have made some significant breakthroughs in uncovering some unconscious rage, guilt, and resentment. This website has helped me immensely. And so the work continue....
    1. goodyD
      Thanks for sharing your story. I am the parent of a teen with severe foot pain. We have read Dr Sarno's book and are taking him next month to see Dr Rashbaum. I am desperate to help him and hope that he can accept the TMS diagnosis and help himself heal... have you or anyone else dealt with any teens with TMS ?

      If you can point me to anyone I would be so appreciative !
      Thanks !
    2. MatthewNJ
      Lala, What a fabulous story! You are so mindful of TMS, and you don't let it trip you up. What a success story! btw I am a huge Louise Hay fan, I do her affirmations every night and every morning!
    3. taxslayer
      hopefully the book well help me
    4. taxslayer
      i just got this book in the mail unlearn your pain i just started reading it it has to do with tms or the mind body syndrone
      1. Lala
        also try STEVEN OZANICH's THE GREAT PAIN DECEPTION...has helped me more than any other TMS book. I'm in the process of reading it a 2nd time.
        Nov 1, 2012
    5. Lala
      "I move forward in life with joy and ease." -Louise Hay
      1. Anna1 likes this.
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  • My Story

    Art Educator
    I am a 41 year old artist and art educator. I am married with a 2.5 year old son and a full time teaching job. In 2001 (I was single at the time), after two surgeries for thyroid cancer, I started experiencing pain in my feet, hands and lower back. I was initially diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. I proceeded to see every type of doctor and healer....orthopedist, podiatrist, neurologist, acupuncturist, massage therapy, shots, chiropractic, chinese medicine. Nothing worked. A neurologist, in 2002, diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and put me on anti-depressants. The meds actually made me feel better...this was the first clue that perhaps the pain was originating in my brain. In the fall of 2003 I read (and read and read and read) Sarno's Mindbody Prescription and went back into therapy. Within 3 months I was completely pain free. In the 9 years since I have had other health issues (allergic reactions, chronic sinusitus, and shoulder pain), each time i recognized them as TMS and treated them as such, and once again experienced fast healing. In August of this year I started getting plantar fasciitis (foot) pain again. At first I attributed it to wearing flip flops...but then I realized I was back to TMS again. So here I am on this forum, back in therapy, journaling, and hoping that this time I can make it stick and break the cycle of TMS symptoms once and for all. I started about 3 weeks ago and there have been ups/downs in pain, but there has been overall improvement. I definitely feel as though I have made some significant breakthroughs in uncovering some unconscious rage, guilt, and resentment. This website has helped me immensely. And so the work continue....