1. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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Nov 7, 2014
May 8, 2013
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New York
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New Member, Female, from New York

Joy was last seen:
Nov 7, 2014
  • My Story

    I am thankful for the conversations that have developed on this platform. I find that the discussions are filled with positive, sincere and genuine people. Chronic pain has made my life a constant challenge. Pain has intruded into every aspect of my being. I must take control of my life in order to feel like myself again. I know what my issues are and I feel that I can overcome them by self-control and stamina. My importance is just as relevant as everyone elses. I am deeply honored to be a member of this forum and hope to be an active participant. You and I are worth it! ~ Joy
    1. njoy
      Hi, Joy: It looks like there is no Tuesday call-in today (Nov 4). Next week, apparently. The number is 1 201-479-4595 and the meeting number 18311499, followed by the pound key ( # ). I can't attend anymore because my phone gives feedback (an echo). Don't know why. Nice to hear from you! Take care, Nena
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  • My Story

    New York
    Published Author
    I am thankful for the conversations that have developed on this platform. I find that the discussions are filled with positive, sincere and genuine people. Chronic pain has made my life a constant challenge. Pain has intruded into every aspect of my being. I must take control of my life in order to feel like myself again. I know what my issues are and I feel that I can overcome them by self-control and stamina. My importance is just as relevant as everyone elses. I am deeply honored to be a member of this forum and hope to be an active participant. You and I are worth it! ~ Joy