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Endless luke
Last Activity:
Jun 24, 2017
Oct 1, 2012
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New York City

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Endless luke

Well known member, Male, from New York City

Tired Aug 22, 2013

Endless luke was last seen:
Jun 24, 2017
  • My Story

    I've had MBS/TMS since the end of college in 1996. It has been incredibly hard. Beginning in the fall of 2012 I started to make some real progress when I started the Presence Process, quit doing physical activities like stretching, and visited Dr. Schubiner.
    Before that I had done everything including steroid shots, acupuncture, Alexander Technique, EMDR, psychotherapy, massage, physical therapy, and electrical muscle stimulation.
    1. Endless luke
    2. G.R.
      Hi, Luke,
      Would you mind if I asked you a few questions.
      How did that work visiting Dr. Schubiner if you live in New York? Do you only see him once when you live out of state?
      Did you also do his online program or his book?

      Anything you can share would be helpful.
      Thank You,
    3. Endless luke
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  • My Story

    New York City
    I've had MBS/TMS since the end of college in 1996. It has been incredibly hard. Beginning in the fall of 2012 I started to make some real progress when I started the Presence Process, quit doing physical activities like stretching, and visited Dr. Schubiner.
    Before that I had done everything including steroid shots, acupuncture, Alexander Technique, EMDR, psychotherapy, massage, physical therapy, and electrical muscle stimulation.