1. Our TMS drop-in chat is today (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM DST Eastern U.S. (New York). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support. Bonnard is today's host. Click here for more info or just look for the red flag on the menu bar at 3pm Eastern.
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Oct 23, 2016
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Dallas TX

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Peer Supporter, Male, from Dallas TX

4 years & feeling great Jun 9, 2018

Dfw was last seen:
Dec 3, 2023
  • My Story

    Four years ago, I had a minor procedure which resulted in my first major sign of TMS. Took me a month to discover this. With the help of Dr(s) Schubiner, Schecter, Gordon & Hanscom, I was able to work on the real issues. It took 18 months of ups & downs, but I am now in a much better place, enjoying life to its fullest. Also, had an onset of tinnitus October 2016. A few months were really bad, but in a much better place now.

    I did not think that was possible in June 2014. I thought my life was doomed to pain and despair after seeing over 20 medical doctors, in a 4 month period, with several wanting to do major surgical procedures, unnecessarily. Not one could give me a straight answer.

    Stay with it, it is not a linear journey, but one filled with joy and despair.

    In the long run, it is a continuous journey.
    1. Dfw
      4 years & feeling great
    2. Dfw
      2 years & feeling great
      1. brendan537
        Hey man, I am so happy you're still feeling great! You give me hope. Would you mind doing everybody a favor and sharing your success story on the success story section of this forum? I think you would help a lot of people and give some of us hope, for I am struggling at the moment.
        Oct 23, 2016
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  • My Story

    Dallas TX
    Four years ago, I had a minor procedure which resulted in my first major sign of TMS. Took me a month to discover this. With the help of Dr(s) Schubiner, Schecter, Gordon & Hanscom, I was able to work on the real issues. It took 18 months of ups & downs, but I am now in a much better place, enjoying life to its fullest. Also, had an onset of tinnitus October 2016. A few months were really bad, but in a much better place now.

    I did not think that was possible in June 2014. I thought my life was doomed to pain and despair after seeing over 20 medical doctors, in a 4 month period, with several wanting to do major surgical procedures, unnecessarily. Not one could give me a straight answer.

    Stay with it, it is not a linear journey, but one filled with joy and despair.

    In the long run, it is a continuous journey.