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Cory Best
Last Activity:
Nov 14, 2019
Nov 4, 2019
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Bangkok Thailand
Director of Quality Engineering

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Cory Best

Newcomer, Male, from Bangkok Thailand

Would like to talk to a TSM practitioner direct. Is it possible? Nov 13, 2019

Cory Best was last seen:
Nov 14, 2019
  • My Story

    I live in Bangkok Thailand and was introduced to John Sarno through a friend. I self diagnosed that I have TMS. I have all the classic signs and symptoms.

    I have had low back pain for many years of my life. It has come and gone during different periods of my life. I have had ongoing growing pain since 2013, to the point that I am a bit desperate. I am the classic story that has seen many different doctors, PT, Osteo, Chinese meds, Chiro, etc and spent lots of money to try and find a golden cure.

    In reading John Sarno's book it was like it was speaking to me. I fit the profile to a tee.

    I am on day 10 of the Structured Educational Program. I find it is interesting but would be good to talk to a TMS practitioner or expert. I know I am on the right path but it is always good to actually talk to someone that understands it. Since Journaling and do a lot of self reflection, I do see some past and current stressors that are for sure contributing to my physical pain.

    I started jogging and playing tennis again after quitting due to the pain. I notice that I can do both activities and I feel the pain and it is strong but it is not worse. Also I don't need to endlessly stretch to see that it is the same. So that is a positive reinforcement that structurally I am ok. I am normally a very active person so I am going back to that state to help overcome the mental fear of doing activity thinking that it will make me worse. So far so good, but I do not see my physical pain truly dissipating yet.

    I will keep on with the mindset of positive reinforcement mentally and physically while identifying my stressors. The one area that I am nervous about is that I will continue to have some of the stressors. I read in the book and in some posts that you just have to identify the stressors and bring them to the front of your conscious mind. So I am doing that now. But do I need to alleviate the stressors for the physical pain to go away? This is what I would like to talk to a TMS expert about.
    1. Cory Best
      Cory Best
      Would like to talk to a TSM practitioner direct. Is it possible?
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  • My Story

    Bangkok Thailand
    Director of Quality Engineering
    Medically diagnosed with L4/L5 herniated disc and has turned into sciatic nerve pain. I also have acute acid reflux which has started to affect my esophagus.
    I live in Bangkok Thailand and was introduced to John Sarno through a friend. I self diagnosed that I have TMS. I have all the classic signs and symptoms.

    I have had low back pain for many years of my life. It has come and gone during different periods of my life. I have had ongoing growing pain since 2013, to the point that I am a bit desperate. I am the classic story that has seen many different doctors, PT, Osteo, Chinese meds, Chiro, etc and spent lots of money to try and find a golden cure.

    In reading John Sarno's book it was like it was speaking to me. I fit the profile to a tee.

    I am on day 10 of the Structured Educational Program. I find it is interesting but would be good to talk to a TMS practitioner or expert. I know I am on the right path but it is always good to actually talk to someone that understands it. Since Journaling and do a lot of self reflection, I do see some past and current stressors that are for sure contributing to my physical pain.

    I started jogging and playing tennis again after quitting due to the pain. I notice that I can do both activities and I feel the pain and it is strong but it is not worse. Also I don't need to endlessly stretch to see that it is the same. So that is a positive reinforcement that structurally I am ok. I am normally a very active person so I am going back to that state to help overcome the mental fear of doing activity thinking that it will make me worse. So far so good, but I do not see my physical pain truly dissipating yet.

    I will keep on with the mindset of positive reinforcement mentally and physically while identifying my stressors. The one area that I am nervous about is that I will continue to have some of the stressors. I read in the book and in some posts that you just have to identify the stressors and bring them to the front of your conscious mind. So I am doing that now. But do I need to alleviate the stressors for the physical pain to go away? This is what I would like to talk to a TMS expert about.