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Zero Pain Now Coach

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New Member, Male, from Miami

Only you can heal yourself, I can take your hand and be with you until you do. Feb 14, 2021

Brajesh was last seen:
Oct 22, 2021
  • My Story

    My pain began in 2009 when I bought a new car with hard bucket seats and at the same time I lost my fifteen years of savings when my company filed for ch11 bankruptcy.

    After 3 months, I couldn't get out of my car, I was in so much lower back pain.

    For 8 years I thought it was the car that did it, but it was really the rage of losing my savings.

    It took me eight years to understand that I didn't have a structural issue.

    I listened to Sarno's book "Healing Back Pain" and my pain immediately went down because I had tried everything he said in the book and had the same results - i.e no improvement.

    The words "Sitting is a such a benign activity" shocked me, because sitting is what used to give me my pain. I became a believer right away.

    Then I used the Zero Pain Now process to stay pain free and I've been pain free almost 4 years now.
    1. Brajesh
      Only you can heal yourself, I can take your hand and be with you until you do.
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  • My Story

    Home Page:
    Zero Pain Now Coach
    Schmorls nodes, herniated disc, degenerated discs
    My pain began in 2009 when I bought a new car with hard bucket seats and at the same time I lost my fifteen years of savings when my company filed for ch11 bankruptcy.

    After 3 months, I couldn't get out of my car, I was in so much lower back pain.

    For 8 years I thought it was the car that did it, but it was really the rage of losing my savings.

    It took me eight years to understand that I didn't have a structural issue.

    I listened to Sarno's book "Healing Back Pain" and my pain immediately went down because I had tried everything he said in the book and had the same results - i.e no improvement.

    The words "Sitting is a such a benign activity" shocked me, because sitting is what used to give me my pain. I became a believer right away.

    Then I used the Zero Pain Now process to stay pain free and I've been pain free almost 4 years now.